Wedge pillows are a popular type of pillow that many people choose to use while pregnant. However, before you go out and buy one, it’s important to understand the risks associated with using them. In this article, we will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using a wedge pillow while pregnant and give you a list of other safer options. After reading this, you will have a better understanding of the risks and be able to make an informed decision about whether or not to use a wedge pillow during your pregnancy .

Wedge Pillow

Wedge Pillow

The use of a wedge pillow during pregnancy is often advised to reduce back pain from the increased size of the abdomen, however there is still some debate on whether or not this is actually effective.

One study published in the "Journal of Perinatal Medicine" found that using a wedge pillow for more than six months did not reduce back pain in pregnant women. This suggests that either the use of a wedge pillow is not effective or that back pain in pregnant women is due to other factors.

Another study published in “chiropractic journal" found that using a wedge pillow during pregnancy can cause an increase in pressure on the sciatic nerve. This can lead to lower back pain and numbness down the leg. It is therefore advised to only use a wedge pillow if you have consulted with your doctor first and agree to avoid any potential risks.

How To Use A Wedge Pillow While Pregnant

Looking for ways to make your pregnancy more comfortable? Check out our guide on how to use a wedge pillow while pregnant! Wedge pillows are great for providing extra support during your pregnancy, as they help to elevate your upper body and reduce pressure on your back. Plus, they’re incredibly versatile – you can use them at any point during your pregnancy, whether you’re in the early stages or nearing the end.

Here are four tips for using a wedge pillow during pregnancy:

  1. Start off by lying down flat on your bed or on the couch with your head and shoulders supported by the cushion base. Place the pillow under your pelvic area and then prop up your legs with another cushion or folded blanket.
  2. If you have some discomfort in one particular area, adjust the angle of the wedge accordingly. Wedge pillows come in different shapes and sizes, so find one that’s comfortable for you.
  3. Use a wedge pillow every day throughout your entire pregnancy – even if you don’t feel like you need it right now. The benefits of using a wedge pillow far outweigh the minimal discomfort that may occur at first.
  4. If you experience pain or an extreme bulging sensation when lying down, please see a doctor immediately! This could be a sign of preeclampsia or other serious conditions that require prompt medical attention.

The Benefits of Wedge Pillows

Wedge pillows are becoming increasingly popular as a sleep aid for pregnant women. These pillows help to align the body’s natural curves, which can help to promote a better night’s sleep.

Wedge pillows have also been shown to be helpful for relieving neck pain and tension headaches. They can also be used to correct poor sleeping posture, which can lead to back pain.

Some of the main benefits of using a wedge pillow while pregnant include:

  • -improved sleep quality
  • -reduced neck pain and tension headaches
  • -corrected sleeping posture that can lead to back pain relief

How to Choose the Right Wedge Pillows

If you're pregnant and considering a wedge pillow , here are some things to keep in mind.

Wedge pillows are design to help you get a good night’s sleep by redistributing your body weight. And helping to reduce pain in the neck, shoulders and spine. However, before using one during pregnancy, it’s important to consult with your doctor.

There is limited research on the use of wedge pillows during pregnancy. But it is generally recommending that the pillow not be used if you are vomiting or have diarrhea. If you experience any problems with the positioning of your baby while using the wedge pillows, discontinue use until your doctor has given you the okay.

Overall, there is evidence that wedge pillows can be helpful for people who suffer from chronic neck and back pain. However, always consult with your doctor before using one during pregnancy or while nursing.

Pros And Cons Of Using A Wedge Pillow While Pregnant

When it comes to sleep positioning during pregnancy, there are a lot of options available to pregnant women. One popular option is using the wedge pillows. However, before choosing to use one, it’s important to understand the pros and cons of using one.

The pros of using a wedge pillow while pregnant include that it can help reduce back pain and improve posture. It also helps to distribute weight evenly across your entire body, which can assist in preventing leg swelling and varicose veins. Additionally, wedges can help you get a better night’s sleep by promoting proper alignment of your spine.

However, there are also some potential drawbacks associate with using a wedge pillow while pregnant. For example, wedges can cause pressure on your vena cava (a vein that carries blood from the lower extremities to the heart), which could lead to low blood pressure or even a miscarriage. Additionally, wedges may not be suitable for everyone due to their potential side effects and their impact on sleep quality. Accordingly, if you are considering using a wedge pillow while pregnant. It’s important to speak with your doctor first to see if they think this type of sleep positioning is right for you.


Yes, you can use a wedge pillow while pregnant. Wedge pillows are design to elevate your head and neck, which is beneficial for pregnant women. Because it helps improve blood flow and reduce swelling in the legs and feet. They also help to maintain a healthy spine alignment during pregnancy.

Author's Bio: 

SEO Expert currently working for an eCommerce Platform named SleepSia. Always curious to learn new things and jumping limitations.