Talking about CakePHP, here are the top features of this framework that make it a much better option than the rest. Here is the list given by an expert CakePHP Developer

CakePHP is the best development framework for enhancing the web development process and end up with a great website. A large number of developers are choosing this option over the others because of its features. It benefits both the CakePHP developersand businesses. Gradually, this framework gained prominence and became the favourite choice of experts. The impressive features help in developing complex and dynamic websites with ease. 

Today, maximum businesses have gone online. There is no better way than going online for generating more leads and revenue. CakePHP is an open-source platform, which helps the development experts to build robust and customised websites to meet the business requirements in a simple and satisfying way. 

Now, let’s talk about what are the features of this framework that make it better than the rest. Actually, there are many such features of CakePHP. 

Here are a few that will surely make you choose this as your website development framework. 

It’s a user-friendly framework: - 

One reason for choosing it is its user-friendly interface and structure. This feature helps you build complex websites in an easy manner. With CakePHP, it becomes much simpler to customise websites as per the requirements of the businesses. This framework lets the developers design and develop sites using template editors. 

Ensures robust performance of websites: - 

Another key feature of CakePHP is that it offers a very flexible data-validation procedure. Moreover, this framework also makes complicated structures easy-to-understand for both the owners and the development professionals. The use of advanced tools supports an easy development process. 

It gives an understandable approach: - 

The understandable approach of CakePHP helps to place your business website on top of your competitors. This feature of the framework also helps to easily get linked and stay connected with a large number of customers. Generating leads and revenue becomes easy with websites developed using CakePHP. Satisfying your customers and achieving the business objective becomes rapid and easy with such websites. In simple words, you can say that it is one of the simplest frameworks that paves the best way to build qualitative websites at reasonable rates. 

CRUD Scaffolding: - 

This is the best feature of this web development framework. In this case, just a single line code can create the website or app providing the three key activities for the website or the app. Well, the term, ‘CRUD’ is the abbreviated form of Create, Read, Update, and Delete. Moreover, the developers can customise the site or app depending on what the client is exactly looking for. 

The testing method of CakePHP: - 

Sometimes, it becomes a little difficult to analyse the bugs and fix them to end up with successful websites or apps. The testing process matters a lot in this case. CakePHP has a very easy testing method. This is one of the key features of this development framework that makes it worthy for the business owners and developers. It simplifies the bug identifying and fixing processes. 

So, these are the top features of this framework that make it so notable. From starting till the end, the entire web development process becomes smooth, simple, and quick for the CakePHP developers . Go with this framework when you are planning your dream website to get the most out of your business.

Author's Bio: 

Jonathan Paul is an expert CakePHP developerworking at PHPProgrammers . The author has written this article to make the entrepreneurs know what are the features of CakePHP because of which it is gaining prominence in the development market in recent days.