In the main when a person embarks on a new MLM home business they are commonly trained to first make a list of people they know who they can get in touch with to share their new business and with any luck have those friends and family see the opportunity as they have and join them in their business (known as the Warm Market). If you truly trust in the MLM opportunity and product or service you are marketing then this shouldn’t be a drawback in view of the fact that those you would most like to help would be your closest contacts.

I have been able to help my family and many friends but there comes a time when you have got to broaden the net. A continual flow of network marketing leads is required to keep your MLM home business growing (cold market). As a result of this steady need for network marketing leads a whole lead generation business has sprung up where companies make massive money by generating and then selling you what are called opt-in network marketing leads.

So, what do you do? You go to an opt in network marketing leads company and you buy a batch of leads. The leads are $2.25 each, so you purchase 100 of them for $225.50.

Justifiably many network marketers (including myself) have taken advantage of such convenience and purchased a list of names of people who are theoretically qualified and looking for a home business opportunity in the MLM industry.

It’s straightforward then, we just get on the phone , crunch the numbers and we’ll all be prosperous in no time! Unfortunately in reality it just doesn’t quite work out like that ( But I’ll come on to that soon!!)

Pretty soon I was asking myself “where do they get these so called leads they sell to us?”

For the most part, opt in network marketing leads are generated over the Internet. While there is no specific study that I know of to prove this, I think it is safe to think that 85-90% of all leads you find for sale are originated on the Internet.

There are two main reasons for this.

First, the Internet is where most people are carrying out their research nowadays when looking for jobs, looking for ways to make more funds, something to invest on, etc. So, why not go where the people are looking?

Second, it is the most cost efficient way of generating opt in network marketing leads.

A person is surfing the Internet, doing a Google search, and checking out their choices for ways to make extra income. Or, sometimes the person is not even thinking about wanting more money when an online ad or offer catches their interest and they check it out. So, they fill out a form and hit submit.

They just became a prospect waiting to be sold to you.

Quite a nice system. Wouldn’t we all like to obtain a batch of opt in network marketing leads of hot hungry people who had been surfing the Internet for ways of making money from home. Now you have their name, phone, and E-mail address in your hands. Of course it seems like a good plan – but let me share my experience and the outcome it had on my MLM home business .

Firstly it didn’t take long to work out that:

1. The people on my list were not automatically looking for an MLM home business at all! Many couldn’t remember filling in their details and were not expecting someone to ring them with one.

2. Many people had already been rung quite a few times by other network marketers and some had reached the stage where they were not at all open and in many cases were very rude.

How did you get my name? Take me off your list etc etc – I won’t tell you what some of them said!

I rapidly learnt that to make it with this approach I was going to need VERY thick skin. It is a numbers game and if you have bought a high quality lead and you are prompt, have great phone skills and elephant hide then you may be able to succeed by purchasing network marketing leads.

So what’s the the challenge and how will it have an effect on you?

One of the biggest problems that exists amongst the Internet lead generation business is the incentives that are used to attract a person to hand over their details.

If you have ever purchased opt in network marketing leads, then you have almost certainly come across the person who did not know they were going to be contacted about a home business. Instead they thought they were going to maybe win a new Video iPod, Laptop, $10,000, or a vacation cruise.

No opt in network marketing lead is ever uncorrupted because you do not know what sites the prospect has been to, filling out forms and checking out other businesses or how many other people have been sold the identical lead!

Author's Bio: 

James alan is a freelance writer who often writes on extension ladders reviews