Sometimes, when we're driving, we encounter a bump or boulder in the road which forces us to veer off in a new, unexpected direction. The same holds true with life. At times, The Universe places a bump or boulder in our path to cause our existence to suddenly swerve seemingly off course. This unpredicted -- and often unwanted -- change could be triggered by an illness, a financial predicament, a job situation, a shift in a relationship, or any number of other life-altering incidents.

The Universe gives us what seem to be burdens not to punish us, but to shed a guiding light upon something in our life, our attitude , our outlook, our goals or our assumptions that no longer serve us, so that we can be guided into a higher consciousness that is more in alignment with our soul's purpose and ultimate happiness . You may currently feel as though you're facing trials that appear insurmountable, but they exist to help you gain insight regarding the source of any pain you've been carrying, and to provide the power to overcome it.

However, we humans can be a stubborn bunch, and cling to old ways that don't serve us, but which seem comforting because they're familiar. When you're in this state of mind, disconnected from The Universe's higher guidance, your troubles will keep cycling back to you, and you'll keep colliding with those bumps and boulders in your path over and over again. It may seem contradictory, but these hurdles are exactly the ones that can bestow upon you the greatest clarity and insights. As you're fueled by The Universe's fires of transformation , you no longer have to drag these repetitive problems along into your future.

With The Universe's loving help, anything that is overshadowing the light of your soul's genuine nature will surface so that it can be healed and shine brightly. When you allow The Universe to reconnect you with your soul's inner knowing, you'll receive the insight that all of your life's events were very specifically created to guide you into a higher, more rewarding, and truer state of consciousness within your soul and in your relationship with The Universe.

Suddenly, life will seem more like an exciting amusement park ride than a discouraging slog through quicksand. You'll become an expert at quickly recognizing old ways arising, and swiftly slay them like dragons, while experiencing exhilaration at your deeper connection with The Universe, and what seem like magical events it has brought into your ever-expanding life. Bumps in the road have been reduced to pebbles over which you can effortlessly glide, and you can easily flow past boulders as though you're riding upon a burbling stream.

There may be a lull in your journey, though, where doubts arise that make you acknowledge just how much you still don't know about your life condition. Although the roadway you're on may appear dimly lit, it still lies unswervingly ahead of you, beckoning you to continue traveling on it. You arrived at this crossroads because of the new realm of awareness to which The Universe has awakened you. Now you are being challenged to leave the seeming safety of your comfort zone and enter this even higher sphere of consciousness and unity with The Universe.

This is the point at which the ego will lash out to try to control and subdue all aspects of your new transformation. This is also where you and The Universe will partner through faith and trust, so that this ego test will not make you crumble, but will fortify you with the wisdom , courage and inner strength to lash right back at that ego and nullify its quest for control.

Understand that challenges are not who you are, and do not define who you are becoming. Additionally, they have no relation to anyone upon whom you may be casting blame for your life's circumstances – not the spouse, lover or friend who lets you down, or the parents, siblings or other family members who aren't capable of supplying what you want. Every single one of them is playing the role in your life -- as assigned by The Universe -- that will assist you in achieving your highest potential. Whenever you feel needled by an ineffectual emotion that shifts you into victim mode, become still, and ask The Universe to reconnect you with its powerful peace that exists within you, where you can seek clarity regarding what is really residing beneath the chaos.

Gird yourself with the knowledge that even if circumstances appear imperfect, everything in your life is unfolding perfectly, according to The Universe's plan for you. Every relationship is a learning experience, whether it be with friend or foe, the nicest person you've ever known, or the most adversarial. They're all providing junction points that The Universe has created for your attainment of vital, far-reaching consequences in your personal and spiritual development.

Although a situation may seem insurmountable, The Universe never gives you any circumstances that are beyond your ability to handle. Everything that occurs is meant for your benefit, even if you're not seeing immediate results -- and when you realize this, you will know with great clarity what it is like to be co-creating your life with The Universe. Its stream of grace will no longer be a mere concept, but a real, true, living presence in your life.

Suddenly, it will dawn upon you that you don't handle upsets in the knee-jerk, reactionary manner in which you used to. You'll notice you've developed a stronger foundation that breathes confidence into any future challenges. You may not know it, but you have within you a The Universe-given plethora of courage, strength, love and acceptance just waiting to be tapped into -- just waiting to be part of your everyday life. The best part is that trials will no longer devastate you or disempower you -- they'll simply be reminders of the wonderful, fulfilling, The Universe-centered life you now lead.

Or, as basketball superstar Michael Jordan stated so succinctly: "Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it." Well put.

Author's Bio: 

I've always loved rock music -- its power, its passion, its energy. I love spirituality for the same reasons -- its profound energy, its tremendous power, its soul-stirring passion. Rock music can quietly move you with its soft ballads, or catapult you to the heights of euphoria with thunderous melodies. Spirituality possesses these same qualities, and all the nuances in between. I contribute to many metaphysical and self-realization websites, and I edited a renowned book by a distinguished transcendent teacher. I'm grateful that I can use my talent for writing to convey messages of spirituality. It's the music that courses through my body, mind and soul.