Chiropractic , chiropractic or chiropractic : several names for the same practice, the manipulation of the soft tissues and the spine.

Origin of chiropractic

The term chiropractic comes from the Greek word meaning "hand" and praktos "who practices with". If the Greeks were already using spinal manipulation to heal, Daniel David Palmer discovered nineteenth century chiropractic. This healer would have rendered hearing to a deaf man after a spinal manipulation. In 1895, he moved to Iowa in the United States and opened his chiropractic practice.

Since these two last decrees, professionals have adopted the term chiropractic instead of chiropractic to designate their profession. You can find the best options from the chiropractor kennewickwa now.

Principle of chiropractic

Chiropractic is often confused with osteopathy while the formations and practices are different. Regardless of the country, the chiropractic degree is obtained after six years of full-time study . It is not possible to train in chiropractic training or seminars.

At the level of practice, mechanically assisted manipulations and mobilizations as well as manipulations with force vectors are only reserved for chiropractors. When it comes to cervical manipulation, osteopaths must first obtain medical advice, which is not the case for chiropractors. Finally, only chiropractors are entitled to give antalgic advice and to treat musculoskeletal disorders and their consequences.

Why consult a chiropractor?

Chiropractic is particularly recommended for:

  • Treat acute or chronic low back pain (or back pain ) and herniated discs.
  • Relieve headaches (headaches) of mechanical origin or tension headaches.
  • Relieve neck pain ( neck pain ) and its consequences such as migraines, vertigo or cervicobrachial neuralgia (neck and arm).
  • Treat any joint or muscular damage (problems related to sport).
  • This manual therapy can be recommended at any age, especially in pregnant women and newborns.

How do you practice chiropractic?

Chiropractic of kennewick chiropractor consists of soft tissue and spine manipulation. The practice includes adjustments and rehabilitation or rehabilitation exercises performed mostly manually.

Unlike the osteopath, the chiropractor can sometimes use specialized tools:

  • flexion-distraction table: specific to the Cox technique, it allows decompression of the sciatic nerve by local traction of the lumbar spine;
  • Thompson table: to manipulate the joints at the level of the spine and the peripheral joints;
  • impulse instrument: to give a direct and controlled impulse to the joint.
  • The chiropractor also gives advice to patients to correct postures or lifestyle habits harmful to their health. It can even establish a postural or functional rehabilitation program in the long term.

In contrast, a chiropractor does not prescribe medication and does not use surgery.

Contraindications to chiropractic

The value of chiropractic lies in the ability to treat infants (under six months) as well as children, adolescents, adults, pregnant women and the elderly.

On the other hand, there are some contraindications:

  • bone abnormality, cancer, tumor, hematoma, acute fracture and infection;
  • osteoporosis and any disease that weakens bones, tendons, ligaments or veins;
  • stroke (stroke);
  • frank disc herniation with sudden neurological deficit or when the treatment aggravates the symptomatology;
  • congenital hypermobility;
  • ponytail syndrome: symptoms related to the compression of the nerves forming the terminal part of the spinal cord (commonly known as the ponytail).
Author's Bio: 

Marina Pal is a renowned author and social media enthusiast.