Nowadays It is hard to get real followers due to Instagram's new updates that stopped all Softwares. Followers sellers developed a system that contains thousands of fake accounts.

These fake accounts get deleted after a week by Instagram bots and it is risky for your account to get banned.introducing to you Famous Seller best online source to buy Instagram followers here’s why you should rely on them:

Instagram advertising

Famous Seller developed a plan using Instagram advertising to drive followers and visitors to your account.

Active Followers

Followers from ads are highly active and can view your story like your posts and increase your reach.

Gradual Delivery

Your account will increase followers at a gradual real speed that nobody will notice that you are buying followers.

Stop Buying Instagram Fake Followers

are you still looking for a good source to buy your followers? since we are in 2020 more followers mean more popularity.

Do followers quality matter if they’re real or not?

Yes! you have to be careful when you buy followers you don't want to ruin the reputation. Especially if you are influencer companies and brands do check your follower’s quality if they are real or bots.

Most companies don't deal with people buying fake followers or likes. Buying fake Instagram followers increase the chance of losing business opportunities are big when you buy bots.

How fake followers can harm your account:

1-Lower your engagement

Instagram’s new algorithm fights fake followers. if you have a big number of followers, and your posts are not getting enough likes! Instagram will lower your reach.

2- waste of money

Followers will drop within a week and your account will return the same number you were in.

3-Bad reputation

people do notice fake followers. brands will not work with you if they found out there are fake followers in your profile.

some developers developed tools that can help you to check if an influencer account is legit or not to caught fake influencers. You will lose valuable business opportunities .

That's why you have to find the most reliable source to buy Instagram followers like Famous seller. Their goal is to provide services of benefit to the buyer.

Author's Bio: 

SEO & Digital Maketer, freelancer at .