What is SEO – Search Engine Optimization.
Search engine optimization – SEO is the process of optimizing your website content in order to get your website on the top and front pages of SERPs, in order to get traffic from “natural” or “Organic” results i.e. (unpaid results).
Types of SEO
1. White Hat SEO- White hat SEO utilizes techniques and methods to improve the search engine rankings of a website which don't run afoul of search engine (mainly Google) guidelines or algorithms.
 Techniques of White hat SEO :- Some white hat SEO techniques include: high quality content development, website HTML optimization and restructuring, link acquisition campaigns supported by high quality content and manual research and outreach.
2. Black Hat SEO: - Black Hat SEO exploits weaknesses in the search engine algorithms to obtain high rankings for a website. Such techniques and methods are in direct conflict with search engine guidelines.
 Techniques of Black hat SEO: - Some black hat SEO techniques include: link spam, keyword stuffing, cloaking, hidden text, and hidden links.
3. Grey Hat SEO: - Grey hat SEO falls somewhere in the middle. These practices are not specifically called out in the guidelines but should still be considered risky.
 Techniques of Grey hat SEO: - Examples include clickbait (content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page and not deliver value), spun (slightly altered) content, link exchanges, and paying for reviews.

Techniques for Better SEO:-
 Complete an SEO Audit on your website
 Learn what your users want
 Create SEO optimized landing pages
 Make sure your website is mobile-friendly
 Write a roundup post
 Go into detail – but only when it’s relevant
 Post valuable content on social media
 Build a variety of backlinks
 Use advanced SEO internal deep linking
 Send link juice to lower ranked pages
 Link to external sites with high Domain Authority
 Find and use your competitors’ SEO keywords
 Use multiple keywords in SEO page titles
 Monitor Google Search Console stats
 Regularly update your old content
Essential Aspects of SEO
1. Technical crawlability
2. Website content publishing
3. Keyword relevance
4. Link backs (referral links)
5. Social Media interactions
6. Content update frequency
7. Website user experience
8. Integration with Google services
How to check if all your SEO is done correctly
 Check and optimize your titles and descriptions.
 Check your headings and text formatting.
 Check your Content SEO.
 Check your internal link structure.
 Check Image SEO.
 Check for broken links.
 Check for proper use of banner ads.
 Check for User friendliness.
Why Choose Innothoughts systems Pvt. Ltd
• Our SEO Company work with the latest updated version of SEO algorithms.(Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird)
• Witness yourself at the top of various search engines with 360° SEO services of Innothoughts.
• Avail our White hat SEO services with affordable SEO packages.
• We are the best SEO Company in Pune India and in Bay Area, California
• Meet our team or Request an SEO quote for FREE.
• Digital Marketing Strategies focused on increasing the reach and visibility of your business

For more details: http://www.innothoughts.com/ or

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Innothoughts System Pvt. Ltd. is the best company for Digital Marketing.