Part of the Hardgainer Workout philosophy is to exercise as efficiently as possible in the gym, and one of the easiest ways to gain healthy weight is by using free weights. Today I want to talk about one of the most productive, muscle building exercises that you can do in the gym: the DEADLIFT. Don’t be intimidated by the name. The deadlift is a whole body, multi-joint, ultra-metabolism boosting exercise that should be incorporated into your routine. You need this Hardgainer exercise in order to gain muscle mass and build your body.

Remember that even though you’re trying to build muscle mass, you need to warm up properly before beginning your weight routine. A brisk cardio session of fifteen minutes or so should warm up your muscles sufficiently for your weights session. Because the Deadlift works all your muscle groups, you may want to halt the smaller muscle workouts to get the most out of this exercise.

One note before you start, it’s important that you eat well and get enough sleep. Look through the other articles on the Hardgainer blog to find tips that will help you accomplish both these things. Also, you should go and see a doctor or a chiropractor before starting this exercise, because it will tax your back and knees.

Here is how to perform a regular Deadlift:

1. Place the barbell on the ground as your starting position. Begin with a low weight until you get the hang of the form and are confident that you’re performing it correctly.

2. Step close to the bar with your feet shoulder distance apart. Toes pointing out in opposite directions.

3. Squat down so that your knees are behind your toes, your weight is in your heels and your chest is up.

4. Place your hands on the bar, wider than your stance.

5. Pushing through your heels and keeping the bar close to your shins, straighten your legs and stand up to a soft-lock in the knees. DO NOT fully lock out your knees. And remember to keep your chest forward.

6. Repeat the motion. (Squat down, chest up - getting your thighs parallel to the ground and push through the heals to standing) It’s very important to perform this exercise with the proper form in order to gain the maximum benefit of gaining muscle mass fast. Remember to always lift with your back straight!

Make sure you lift with your legs and keep your upper body is as straight as possible. Never bow in your back!

As a general rule of thumb here are the repetition ranges you want to do based on your muscle building, Hardgainer goals.

1-6 reps = Strength

6-15 reps = Muscle Size

15-25 = Muscle Toning

This is a general rule, but depending on your entire muscle building routine, you’ll need to vary your training.

Visualize the muscles you’re working as you complete the Deadlift motion. You’ll want to incorporate this into your Hardgainer routine only once or twice a week, because if you do the Deadlift correctly, you’ll need a day off to allow your muscles to recover. It’s a killer, especially if you’re using really heavy weights.

So why is the Deadlift one of the best exercises in the gym? Well, the more muscles you activate, the more weight you can lift. The more muscle you work, the more calories it takes to perform the movement and to repair the muscles. This equals a more productive and effective workout in addition to creating a higher boost in your metabolic rate. Up to 48 hours! So incorporating a barbell row, or other multi-joint, large muscle exercise, is extremely important when you are trying to gain healthy weight. If you were to do cardiovascular activity you would boost your metabolic rate for 1-2 hours. If you do weight lifting (especially large muscle movements) you get that 48 hour boost. That's huge!

Do a Hardgainers Weight Training Workout every other day and your metabolism is boosted 100% of the time. Not to mention that when you add lean muscle it burns 40 times the calories pound for pound to body fat. Think of that! This is how you can build muscle fast! Each pound of muscle you add and each pound of fat you get rid of you become a higher calorie burning machine. Essentially you’re making it easier to keep the weight off while gaining muscles.
Again, you should eat the best food and sleep 8-9 hours every night – Check out my posts at my blog.

I will be back soon, and tell you about my Deadlift Killer Routine – guaranteed to work your body hard to build extreme muscle and to help you gain healthy weight! This is something that Hardgainers and actually normal gainers should read and try!

Keep Gaining


Author's Bio: 

My name is Michael Morales. I’m a business manager and the author of the Hardgainer blog – Gainers Blog.

I have a nice body and smile and it’s easy to think that I always looked like this, but my fitness level is the result of many years of trying and failing different products and exercises. I started the Hardgainer Workout blog to help other bodybuilders and people interested in building muscle all-naturally.

I was born in 1972 in Denmark and have lived here all my life. I always enjoyed sports and as I entered my teenage years, I began to focus on what I could do with my body and how I could transform it. This passion led to gymnastics, martial arts and free weights training.

I have been working out with weights for years. In the beginning, I tried a lot of stupid things. I’d read an article in a body building magazine and believed that it would make me gain 30 lbs overnight. I ate all kinds of strange things, and I used a lot of money on stuff that the fancy magazines promised would do great things to me. They didn’t work, but I persevered and worked out two times a day, six days a week.

I’m grateful that I did all these things, because now I know what works for me and my body. I now have the knowledge of what it takes to transform my body, and I want to share this valuable Hardgainer information and advice with you. Rather than spending years trying the latest fad for building muscle mass, I’ll save you the trial and error by sharing all my Hardgainer expertise about the easiest ways to gain weight and gain muscles, all naturally.

Utilizing all my Hardgainer experience I’ve accomplished the following:

I’m built like a typical Hardgainer, 180 cm in height (5 feet, 9 inches) and my original weight was around 143 lbs – I have a small bone structure, especially my forearms and shins. They’re naturally very thin.

When focused on gaining weight, I gained muscles fast and weighed around 227 lbs. At that point, I was working out with really heavy weights. I also set a goal to develop a six pack.

Even though I had almost no aerobic stamina, and I got winded walking up a flight of stairs, I made the goal to complete a marathon. And I did !

I then began training for an IronMan. I couldn’t swim, but I learned how so that I could compete. Six months into training, I had to have an operation and my competition goals had to be set aside for the time being.

Now I’m back working with weights. My weight is around 176 lbs and my new fitness goals look like this:

• Want to gain 11 lbs
• Want to improve my sixpack
• Want to run short distances fast

Check my website regularly for updates regarding my personal fitness journey, exercise ideas and good diet choices .

Join my mailing list, and I’ll share with you all the great tips and advice that will help you gain weight quickly and all-naturally. Skip the headaches of trying fitness fads, and sign up for my Hardgainers Workout and Diet advice. Together we can achieve all our fitness goals and gain healthy weight and muscles and be the best Hardgainers we can be.

Best regards,

Michael Morales
Hardgainer and Body Building entrepreneur