Each year nearly 125,000 people visit the emergency room because of complications from Xanax abuse; statistics that have grown over the years and will likely continue to grow. According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse , NIDA, nearly 100,000 people reported using the drug Xanax with other drugs and alcohol.

Danger of Addiction : How It Begins

Considered to be one of the more dangerous drugs of the Benzodiazepines, Xanax is also the most abused. Prescribed to treat anxiety and panic disorder, it has quickly become a popular drug abused recreationally. Repeated abuse can create a tolerance to the drug which will require increased amounts to achieve the same results. Taking Xanax with other drugs or alcohol abuse can result in fatal overdose.

Signs and Symptoms of Addiction

Xanax abuse is not something that is easy to hide and in almost every instance, the addict will experience strained relationships with family members and friends as well as difficulties at work, especially missed work.

The physical signs of addiction may include:
• Fatigue
• Shortness of breath
• Confusion
• Dry mouth and/or increased salivation
• Changes in sex drive
• Severe skin rash
• Drowsiness
• Slurred speech
• Suicidal thoughts

Withdrawal Symptoms

In cases where individuals have been taking Xanax for a prolong period of time, stopping the abuse can be challenging. Withdrawal symptoms usually begin within a few hours of the last time the drug was used and can also be extremely painful. Trying to quit on your own can be dangerous and most often users will return to drug abuse just to get relief from the withdrawal symptoms.

Withdrawal symptoms may include:
• Difficulty concentrating
• Uncontrollable shaking
• Impaired vision
• Sensitivity to light and noise
• Irritability
• Insomnia
• Sweating
• Seizures

Medical Detox and Rehab Treatment

Struggling with a Xanax addiction can be frightening and making the decision to quit is the first step in recovery. Finding the best medical detox program that will keep you comfortable, attend to your withdrawal symptoms and offer the support you need to overcome addiction is important.

After you have completed a successful medical detox, one way to ensure that you have the right amount of support to stay sober and on the recovery path is to become part of a rehab treatment program. Whether you attend 12 Step meetings or join a non-12 Step program, you will discover that the more support you have the more likely you are to not return to substance abuse .

As prescription drug addiction continues to rise to astounding levels, understanding the risks associated with Rx drug abuse and getting the appropriate treatment needed may save you or a loved one from fatal harm.

Author's Bio: 

Lara Schuster writes for Gallus Medical Detox Centers . Gallus Detox provides safe drug and alcohol detox with customized IV therapy to comfortably alleviate withdrawal symptoms and patients are monitored 24/7 by ICU level nurses. This proven detox method was developed by Dr. Patrick Gallus after 15-plus years as an emergency room physician caring for alcohol and drug addicted patients. Gallus Medical Detox Centers features upscale private rooms, gourmet meals, Wi-Fi and HDTV. Patient confidentiality is always protected.