Webcast or broadcasting over Internet is an innovative technology that enables a large number of audiences to listen or view the same content simultaneously. Webcasting can empower web conferences to be more effective and result oriented. Taking the help of reliable webcasting services, the web conferences not just get more effective but also can handle larger number of participants. Thousands of individuals can enjoy the advantages of an efficient webcast. Needless to say, it can be efficiently used by business organizations as a reliable marketing tool to reach out to prospective clients.

Advantages of webcasting solutions are, however, not limited to increasing audience participation. These also facilitate collaboration among participants and lead to increased productivity . Success of any web conference depends on how well information is generated and passed on among the participants. Webcasting helps in sharing ideas, opinions and feedback amongst a team in the best possible manner. Moreover, participants can post comments on the webcast, thus provisioning audience engagement.

Webcasts can be used by Singapore based marketers in viral marketing campaigns, as content can be viewed on a public platform. Marketers can reach out to a wide client-base at one go, increase their online presence and promote their business and website among members of the key demographics.

Webcasting can be hosted in two ways, either via a live feed or via on-demand feed. In case there is need of real-time interaction among participants, live webcast is the better option. Audiences can raise questions, post comments and participate in polls while watching a live broadcast. The video player embedded in the site plays live videos without any need to download.. Videos are buffered and streamed live which means with time required in downloading the complete video is eliminated. On-demand webcasts work best in case there is no Internet connectivity. Videos or audios can be directly played on T,PC monitor or even portable players like iPod and mp3 players.

Beyond marketing campaigns and corporate conferencing, another major application for webcasting can be used on education. . With the falling prices of camcorders, computers and broadband, more colleges in Singapore are making use of this solution to teach in classrooms. For seamless and effective webcasting, background noise is best to kept at minimal. Professionals at reliable webcast service providers make use of advanced software to eliminate all the unnecessary noise from the videos. These software are user friendly and not expensive which limit the overall cost incurred by such services.

Another benefit of webcast is that archived clips can be uploaded and viewed in any video sharing websites. A webcast can be used anywhere on the Internet as well as corporate Intranet. Whether it is for promotion of any product or service, running an online lecture, efficient webcasts can ensure exceptional returns in every sector.

Author's Bio: 

Lee Mark is an experienced writer having more than 10 years of experience in writing articles on various topics such as webcast service providers , and webcasting solutions etc.