This period of uncertainty is definitely creating a lot of anxiousness and stress for a lot of us. However, a pregnant woman is more vulnerable to experience these emotions. Therefore, any expecting mother and the people around her need to be well informed of dealing with this pandemic and the emotions attached to it.

Protecting yourself from COVID-19

There is NO proven evidence that pregnancy increases the risk of COVID-19. Likewise, there is no proven evidence that an unborn child will contract this disease from the mother in case the mother is infected. Therefore, taking safety and hygiene precautions that have been recommended repeatedly by national and international health agencies should be followed religiously.

Apart from these, a few other important points should be kept in mind
• Avoid visitors at home or hospital. The close family should be your only contacts as far as possible.
• Avoid unnecessary outdoor activities or visits and always use personal transportation modes for any essential travels.
• Do not participate in crowd gatherings
• Disinfect your house regularly
• Clean vegetables and items delivered to your house thoroughly
• Make sure you stay in touch with friends and relatives using online resources

Doctor appointments
• It is essential to stay in touch with your treating doctors especially in case of a high-risk pregnancy . All doctors and hospitals have operating protocols in place to combat COVID-19 and hence prior discussions with your doctor should give you an idea about how to keep up with appointments in the safest way.
• Tele-consultation using apps such as Curie will help you talk to your doctor from home and avoid unnecessary trips to the hospital unless an investigation or physical examination has to be done.
• High-risk pregnancies will need closer monitoring and admission to the hospital as and when required by your doctor.
• Make sure to discuss your anxiety and your mental health status with your doctor.
• It is important to also know emergency numbers of your regular doctor or hospital and make prior plans on how to visit the hospital in such emergencies. Always keep your spouse or a family member close by in case of such scenarios.
• Post the delivery of the baby, it is vital to continue regular teleconsultations and physical visits to keep up with immunization schedules and monitor the health of the baby.

Post delivery
• Mothers should be careful to avoid visitors even after the birth of the baby.• Breastfeeding is allowed and advised unless suggested otherwise by your doctor.
• Utmost hygiene precautions should be followed by the mother and everyone else in contact with the baby

Pregnancy is a time to be cherished and we wish all pregnant mothers a happy and healthy journey sans any anxiety or apprehension. Any expectant mother who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 should follow all instructions given by your doctor to avoid any unwanted or serious complications.

Download the Curie app to consult with your doctor online and protect yourself and your unborn child at all times.

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