Bee Venom Therapy (BVT) is an ancient method of treating chronic pain and encouraging the healing process. The bee mentioned is only a domesticated honeybee, as other bees and wasps don’t seem to work as well. Done well, by doctor or an angry bee, the sting works wonders with arthritis , multiple sclerosis, fractures, sciatica, and many other painful conditions.

Why would someone want to get stung to reduce their pain? They wouldn’t unless they had reliable information that it worked. Not all pain is the same, and when you have known long-term, deep aching pain from arthritis or slow-healing injuries, you might like to swap that for some short local stings. In fact, the bee sting used as a clinical dose is not very painful at all. More discomfort is reported with the itchiness on the second day after treatment. An ice cube will treat either situation effectively.

How does this work? Bee venom jabbed into the top layers of skin will obviously stress the local nerves, which express this to the brain quickly. The brain learns from stress and trauma to toughen up or minimize stress from recurrent trauma. The use of stress, rest, and cycles of recovery are methods for training any living system.

Athletes use training with exercise , food, and rest intervals to increase functional abilities. Therapists also use training to restore normal abilities and activities. The many biochemicals within bee venom are powerful stimulants of major physiological responses. Those who have been stung in the wild will know this to be true.

Chronic neurological diseases are heartbreakingly common in our aging society. Causes for these are controversial and numerous, as are the treatments and therapies used to get relief. For complex and advanced conditions involving this decline in function and life quality, consider locating an experienced bee venom therapist or "apitherapist." This organization might be helpful:

Currently, conventional medicine and pharmacy interests have complained of more interest in BVT than their latest drugs for multiple sclerosis or ALS. They charge that scientific data is lacking, and their plaintive tones suggest this therapy is yet another act of confusion or quaint desperation.

True enough, modern scientific data on bee venom therapy is lacking. For thousands of years, busy beekeepers observing family and livestock have been either poor record keepers, or unconvincing study designers for the peer review medical literature. Now, with medical research becoming incredibly costly, proving affordable natural remedies with modern medical science is unlikely.

Here is the fact. This therapy helps many people who have not found relief elsewhere. It is safe, natural, inexpensive, and often has better results than conventional drugs. A more detailed protocol for those who would like to see it is here:

For serious illness that you might face, consider bee venom therapy in addition to the best medical care you can access. Please be aware that the location of the stings, their number, and the recovery interval are important variables. Don't let the hive arrange your diagnosis and treatment—see an experienced and trained provider of this therapy instead.


Beck, F. Bodog, MD. Bee Venom Therapy: Bee Venom, Its Nature, and Its Effect on Arthritic and Rheumatoid Conditions , 1935. Hardcover reprint in 1984. Also published as The Bible of Bee Venom Therapy , soft cover, 1997.

Broadman, Joseph., MD. Bee Venom: The Natural Curative for Arthritis and Rheumatism , 1962. Soft cover reprint: Bee Venom Therapy , 1997.

Kim, Christopher, MD. Bee Venom Therapy and Bee Acupuncture Therapy , 1992. A medical textbook for physicians and acupuncturists in Korean and English.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Thomas S. Lee is a licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor (NMD/ND). He offers individual consultations by phone or email. Dr. Lee is licensed to prescribe conventional pharmaceuticals should they be indicated or require management. Naturopathic doctors are uniquely educated in natural medicines, which often have excellent scientific rationales and far safer results than popular pharmaceutical synthetics.