How to care for your hands in Beauty Salons

You know that the skin of the hands contains 4-5 times less moisture than the skin of the face, and therefore is much more susceptible to irritants (such as cold, for example) and aging faster?
That is why you need to take care of the skin of the hands no less than the face. Do not wait until wrinkles appear on your hands, the skin coarsens and begins to peel off. Pay attention to your hands and you will never encounter these problems.
Follow a few simple rules:
1. Wear warm gloves if it is cold outside.
2. Apply a protective cream in sunny weather.
3. Protect hands from adverse effects, use gloves when working around the house or in the garden.

4. Use special hand cosmetics to help cleanse, moisturize and protect your skin on your hands, similar to how you care for your face.
5. Be sure to apply hand cream after manicure, do not forget about massage . Rub the cream with smooth movements from the fingertips to the wrists and above - to the elbows and shoulders. Apply the cream by gently pressing on the skin, and you can finish this procedure by slightly pinching it.
Observing these simple rules for hand skin care, you will very soon notice how it changes, and your hands will remain beautiful and well-groomed for a long time.VISIT Beauty Salons
What is the secret of beautiful eyelashes?

Beautiful, lush and voluminous eyelashes are the dream of any girl. Well, if nature has protected you with such eyelashes, but if not, do not despair. I will share with you a few simple secrets of beautiful eyelashes.
Option number 1. Apply mascara to the eyelashes - powder them. After this, apply a little mascara again.Option number 2. Apply 2-3 coats of mascara, let it dry, then use eyelash curlers.
Option number 3. Curl your eyelashes with curling irons, apply regular mascara to your eyelashes, wait until it dries. Then apply mascara, which creates the effect of lengthening, first on the tips of the eyelashes, and after drying, along the entire length. If you powder your eyelashes after applying the first layer, the effect will be even more noticeable.

Option number 4. Make a brush with several zigzag motions at the roots of the eyelashes, and then paint them along the entire length. The spaces between the cilia on the upper eyelid paint over with a black pencil.
I offered you as many as 4 proven ways to make eyelashes beautiful. Choose the most suitable for you, and your eyes will always be irresistible, and your look will be attractive. VISIT OUR Beauty Salons
How to care for hair in summer

In the summer, when you spend a lot of time in the sun, your hair is exposed to the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. The scalp burns if you swim in the sea, the hair dries up after contact with salt water. Hair begins to fall out more intensely. Especially dyed hair suffers from the sun, no matter what hair dye you use, color burnout can hardly be avoided. Therefore, it is very important to be able to protect your hair. Be sure to wear a hat under the scorching sun, use a hair spray before going out in the sun and after bathing.Use protective shampoos and codifiers, make moisturizing masks. Use a hairdryer and hair styling products to a minimum.

When swimming in the sea, before the hair comes into contact with salt water, moisten it with fresh water. Being already wet, your hair will not absorb as much moisture as it would dry, and salty sea water will cause minimal damage to your hair. visit us Beauty Salons
The secret of perfect eyebrows of beauty salons

The fashion for the shape of eyebrows is constantly changing, at one time it was fashionable to wear thick, wide eyebrows, at another - thin, curved. But do not change your natural eyebrow line too much. Moreover, naturalness is now in fashion again. However, there are several principles that, following which, you will make your eyebrows beautiful and your look attractive.1. Eyebrows should begin above the inner corner of the eye, and end - a few millimeters further than the outer.

2. It is preferable to pluck the eyebrows in the salon, only there you can do everything really beautifully and accurately. However, if you pluck your eyebrows yourself at home, lubricate them with a fat cream before the procedure so that the hair removal process is less painful and easier.
3. Before plucking, draw the desired contours with a pencil. To pluck out gently and equally "by eye" will be quite problematic.
4. It is also better to color eyebrows in the salon, since it is difficult to independently choose the right color. Do not forget rule number one - the color of the eyebrows should be in harmony with the color of your hair, but should be a couple of shades darker. And do not forget that black eyebrows are only for brunettes.

5. Use eye shadow or pencil to color eyebrows. With a pencil, you will make eyebrows longer and thicker visually.
The most important thing is that the chosen shape of the eyebrows should suit you, so do not follow the fashion blindly, it is better to choose the shape that really suits you. And do not forget that the shape of the eyebrows determines in many ways the expression of your face. here Beauty Salons
The secret of perfect eyebrows

The fashion for the shape of eyebrows is constantly changing, at one time it was fashionable to wear thick, wide eyebrows, at another - thin, curved. But do not change your natural eyebrow line too much. Moreover, naturalness is now in fashion again. However, there are several principles that, following which, you will make your eyebrows beautiful and your look attractive.1. Eyebrows should begin above the inner corner of the eye, and end - a few millimeters further than the outer.

2. It is preferable to pluck the eyebrows in the salon, only there you can do everything really beautifully and accurately. However, if you pluck your eyebrows yourself at home, lubricate them with a fat cream before the procedure so that the hair removal process is less painful and easier.
3. Before plucking, draw the desired contours with a pencil. To pluck out gently and equally "by eye" will be quite problematic.
4. It is also better to color eyebrows in the salon, since it is difficult to independently choose the right color. Do not forget rule number one - the color of the eyebrows should be in harmony with the color of your hair, but should be a couple of shades darker. And do not forget that black eyebrows are only for brunettes.

5. Use eye shadow or pencil to color eyebrows. With a pencil, you will make eyebrows longer and thicker visually.
The most important thing is that the chosen shape of the eyebrows should suit you, so do not follow the fashion blindly, it is better to choose the shape that really suits you. And do not forget that the shape of the eyebrows determines in many ways the expression of your face. Beauty Salons
How to wash your hair in Beauty Salons

Before washing your hair, lightly moisten it with water. One tablespoon of shampoo (on the eye, of course) will be quite enough. Slowly rub the shampoo into the hair with massaging movements for two to three minutes, and then rinse off the shampoo. Rinse your hair well, otherwise they will be dull and sticky, they will begin to get tangled and bundle. For shine, it is recommended to rinse your hair in cool water.Image

Often, because of hard water, the hair becomes childish and tangle tangentially. Therefore, after washing your hair, it is recommended to use special conditioners and hair masks that will soften them and prevent the appearance of such an effect.
Regarding hair drying: you need to know a few rules, following which you will not harm your hair by improper care. Wet hair is more vulnerable, so never try to comb it while it is in this condition, give them time to dry. A towel wound around the head will help speed up this process. But walking too long is also not worth it, because when they are completely dry, laying them will be very problematic.

If you are used to blow-drying your hair, keep in mind that frequent use of the hair dryer is harmful to your hair. Hot air makes your hair dry and brittle. Restoring their previous state will not be easy. If blow-drying is a necessity for you (for example, if you are in a hurry), use gentle mode with a minimum temperature.
It is recommended to comb hair only with wooden combs. Plastic or metal is not good for your hair.
By following these simple tips, you can overcome the many hair problems that many girls face. And your hair will always be healthy and obedient.
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