Have you ever dreamed to relax in a personal spa? You can achieve this. JXF Painting Service learns you a couple of unique bathroom renovation ideas that can make a small bathroom appear beautiful, cozy and comfortable. The most ignored part of your home can become the most beautiful part of your home.

Do you ignore the bath area? Do you think that your bathroom walls dull and lifeless? Also, think of it as a simple space for washing and bathing? The most common thing is that homeowners ignore the bathroom space and do not give much thought to how much more they can get out of it. But if you don't think of the bath area, you will end up with a simple room that satisfies your basic needs only. If you want to increase the bath importance, you have to pay attention to it and convert it into a personal spa.

Size does matter

The most common problem that homeowners often face while renovating a bathroom is its size. Don't be pessimists if you feel that the bathroom is too small to give you a good spa-like experience. By making a few changes, you will be able to add more value to the bathroom.

Bathroom Renovation Ideas to Make Your Bath Comfortable

  • It is all in the Mirrors

One trick that works wonders for any small room is the use of mirrors. If you use large mirrors in the bathroom will help you to create the feeling of a larger room. It will enable you to make your personal spa look less cramped. Alternatively, you can opt for glass partitions for the shower area. It will ensure that the room appears bigger than usual.

  • Change the Lighting

Make a change of lighting, you will able to give the bathroom a brighter look. Also, lighting is the key factor for creating a spa-like ambiance in your home. Choose lighting fixtures that you can dim or adjust to desired levels. It will create a relaxing atmosphere. It's one of the best bathroom renovation ideas. If your bath has access to natural light, make maximum use of it. But, if you do not have access to natural light, use artificial lighting to make the room appear bright. Do not shy away from looking for subtle crystal lighting fixtures because they will add more light and character to the bathroom.

  • Find the Right Color

A single change in the color scheme can not only make the room spacious but also create a relaxing atmosphere. Light or neutral colors can be more effective for successful bathroom renovation ideas. You can use the same shade of tiles to create an impression of increased space.

In addition, you can choose tiles that add a natural touch to the room. Use textured pebble-tiles that are soothing to the feet. You can opt for faux wood tiles that are not made from natural wood but still give the same feeling of warmth and peace . Heated flooring will also keep you warm during cold days.

  • Accessorize and Choose Appropriate Fittings

Accessories have a way of enhancing the design of the room. To find the right accessories for your bathroom can help you to transform it into a personal spa. If you use simple accessories such as candles helps to fill the bathroom with a relaxing fragrance. You may also add towel holders and other accessories that will give an organized and clean look to the area. Even the towels that you choose for the room should evoke the feeling of being in a spa. Choose fittings that make the room appear big and comfortable. The vanities are important too. You may choose for a suspended or floating vanity that will allow the floor tiles to extend all the way to the wall. This helps to create an illusion of space. An alternative option is an open vanity that also adds more space to the bathroom.

Bathroom renovation ideas of transforming a small washing space into a relaxing retreat are a great way of making optimum use of the bathroom. It is very essential to list your ideas because a well-planned renovation project can ensure a successful transformation . Don't forget to prepare a budget, after you have ready a clear vision.

Bathroom Renovation Ideas - Hire a Professional Contractor

Do not think that renovating a small area doesn’t require the services of a professional. If you hire an experienced bathroom renovation contractor will transform your ideas into a beautiful reality. JXF painting Service is the best choice. We work with a very experienced team, and high-quality equipment and products. Don't think twice to call us at   (647) 889-7967 or send an email at info@jxfpaintingservice.ca .

Author's Bio: 

Blerina Laska