Hair is the most important aspect of a person’s personality. If a person becomes bald, he or she becomes an “old person”. It is important to correct this problem so that other things in life such as job opportunities and social interactions and parties do not get affected. To correct this aspect of one’s personality, one must approach a hair clinic.

Hair transplant is easy

It is a simple matter to get a Hair Transplant in Delhi. This is because we have so many clinics in Delhi. One must fix an appointment and get treated when it is time. Check what types of treatments you can avail if you do not want a hair transplant. Normally, if you have lost hair on top of your head, there is no option but to get a hair transplant. The clinics at Delhi give you 25 years guarantee for your hair transplant.

Reasons for hair fall

Hair falls due to lack of nutrition , age, or due to hereditary factors. It is easy to see that if your parents are bald, you will also be bald. Also, as we grow old, it is natural to lose hair. These two things cannot be avoided. What can be avoided is hair fall due to lack of proper nutrition . Hair needs vitamins, proteins, and minerals just as the rest of the body does. In addition, it also needs good scalp condition because this gives strength to the roots. If the roots are weak, it will make the hair fall.

Other options for treatment

For those who have already lost their hair, you can try one of the many alternate options to make hair grow. If these do not work, you can go in for a hair transplant. Remember, hair transplant though it is guaranteed, is expensive. It works out to 60,000 - 90,000 INR for an averagely bald person. So, check out the other options first. Here is the list:

PRP treatment

Derma Roller therapy

The hair expert at the clinic will be able to tell you which option will work for you. They will assess your hair condition and tell you the best and most economical solution.

PRP treatment

This is one of the most modern treatments for baldness. Protein-Rich Plasma (PRP) works well for all people and so it is a preferred solution for most bald people. It works like this. Plasma from the hair rich areas on your head or body (or from a donor) is obtained. This is injected into the scalp where you have deficient growth. The plasma induces hair to grow and so within six to nine months, you will good growth of hair. But, if you would rather have a transplant, then check with the Best Hair Transplant in Delhi and begin your treatment.

Derma Roller

It is also an effective method for treating baldness. In this method, nutrition is injected through the Derma Roller into the scalp. It is effective for people who are mildly bald. Also, it is fast because you don’t have to go to sittings and spend hours waiting while they transfer hair follicles.
You will need at least two to three sessions to get a complete cure in all methods. If you do not have money for a transplant, choose one of the other methods.

Author's Bio: 

Panacea Global Hair Services is one of the most trusted hair restoration clinics in India. We have a band of awarded doctors and medical assistants, committed to serving hair fall suffering people.