Prevention is the key to good health. Rather than waiting until something goes wrong, be proactive. This can be done through tests which will help one to monitor their health. One of these tests is a Lipid Panel. A Lipid Panel assesses your cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels through several tests. Through these examinations, a person's risks of heart attack, peripheral vascular disease and stroke may be detected. Such tests are easy to have done. Some can even be ordered online, as easy as ordering Viagra.

Firstly, a total cholesterol test will be run. This test is a calculation of the triglycerides in one's blood. All body cells contain lipids, a pliable, fatty, wax like substance. Human bodies are designed to need cholesterol. However, too much cholesterol is not good for the body. Excessive amounts of this cholesterol can clog a person's arteries, leading to heart disease and other risk factors. This risk factor can be controlled once found. As cholesterol levels elevate, so do the risk factors.

Lipid Panel tests also assess for high-density lipoprotein, better known as the good cholesterol. This is because of its ability to remove extra cholesterol from artery walls and cells. This excess is then moved to the liver and disposed of. Large amounts of high-density lipoprotein can reverse or slow atherosclerosis from developing. Atherosclerosis is when a build up of low-density lipoproteins occurs in the artery lining.

Low-density lipoprotein will be examined during a Lipid Panel test also. This cholesterol is known as the bad cholesterol. Arteries can become clogged from too much of this cholesterol. Low-density lipoprotein is present in the blood normally, as it distributes cholesterol throughout the body to those areas which need it. Unfortunately, this can build up in the artery lining. Additionally, very low-density lipoproteins are made up of very little protein and many triglycerides. Very low density Lipoproteins takes triglycerides produced by the liver to distribute them. It assists the build up of cholesterol on the artery walls. A panel will test these levels because higher levels increase the chance of a stroke and heart disease .

Finally, a Lipid Panel will measure Triglycerides. These are energy providing fats in the blood. Most of these come from the food you eat, although the body does make some. After the body uses the intake of calories, Triglycerides are stored as fat cells to be used by the body at a later time. One should watch their intake of high saturated fats if trying to control triglycerides. Larger levels of Tryglycerides also raise the risks of atherosclerosis. Whether seeking a consultation, tests or prescriptions such as Viagra, one should always educate themselves and discuss concerns with a doctor.

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