Ask Dr. Z - Alternative Medicine for your Pets? - Thorne Supplements and Homeopathy


Quotes for your life:

Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must be overcome first.


I'm going to stop procrastinating ... once I get around to it.


Life is what happens to you while you are making other plans.


In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.

Theodore Roosevel t

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I get letters (Bolds and Links added by Dr. Z)

I met Dr. Z through one of his talks on Problems with Blood Sugar Imbalance . I was experiencing high blood sugar levels (within the normal range) and did not want to become diabetic. Also, having a slow metabolism, and unable to lose any weightwas very frustrating.

After going through his evaluation we discovered I also had a case of Candida . I found myself having to re-evaluate food and my eating habits. With the use of nutritional supplements, a diet of no carbs, no sugars, just proteins and lots of green vegetables I have been able to work on ridding myself of Candida and also lose 18 pounds in four weeks.

I have been feeling great.We have also been using a breathingtechnique with spinning to stimulate the brainand bring more oxygen into the bloodstream.

Dr. Z really works with you to see what works for your body type. We are all very different.

Dr. Z's approach to treating each patient has been refreshing. You don't find many doctors who see their patients as individuals.It has been a pleasure going to him.

Kim I, Grass Valley, CA

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Hallo Dr. Z.

I received your Four Week Health Express package on August 1st.I have had a few very stressful weeks and had no time to write. I own and operate an Adult Foster Care Home and am working almost around the clock since one of my employees quit last week.

Over all I am doing a lot bettereven though I did not take the MediPro. It’s tough to get that mix to dissolve well. I noticed that I do not have enough of the Diabenil and was wondering if that was on purpose or a possible glitch in shipping.

I noticed that my bowels have improvedand I could not have kept my schedule with my previous eating habits .

The increase in energy is amazing!

I slipped a few times and had a peanut butter cookie. Strangely my heart burn came back almost immediately.

There is a lot of good in this diet , I lost 6 pounds.It is tough to find foods to eat though without eating the same thing over and over.

On a personal note: I was born in Rastatt, spent most of my youth in Triberg/Schwarzwald. A few years on the Bodensee (Meersburg) and in Ulm/Neu-Ulm.

Thanks for caring!!

Gabriele, Michigan

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The Story of Heidi Z - our Golden Retriever puppy

We have 2 two Golden Retrievers.

Heidi Zis the younger one. Heidi is very good friends with Busta, our "older" Golden Retriever.

This happened when Heidi was a 5 month old puppy.

As you may know - puppies chew, they chew incessantly.

Well.... Heidi Z chewed, she chewed incessantly, on something

I don't know about your puppy experience - she also loved to chew and swallow dog poop, cat poop, anything that smells bad and tastes, in our yard...???

Well, one day, Heidi Z all of a sudden did not look so good. My wife Victoria suggested that maybe Heidi Z had chewed and swallowed some of the mushroomsthat tend to grow readily in our yard. But then, how would we know???

That night, Heidi Z started to have terribly smelling gas and awful diarrhea. She started howling and complaining all through the night. Every two hours, or even more frequently, we got up to let her out so she could relieve herself in the garden.

We hoped this would all clear up and she'd be better the next day. But - the same happened the next day and the next night - only worse.

Finally we were contemplating maybe taking her to the vet.

"What is a typical vet going to do?" - I asked myself.

After some thinking and some discussion, my wife Victoria and I decided to do some investigating ourselves. Victoria, serving as a "surrogate" tester, and I - together we embarked on on an AK ( Applied Kinesiology ) journeyto to determine what was ailing Heidi Z and what might be useful for her to return to "normal".

We found - no surprise here - her digestive system and colon to very stressed.We also found her liver and her kidney meridianshighly stressed.

Here are the supplements/homeopathic remedies that "tested strong"on Heidi Z:

and interestingly enough Food Poison Detox - which I have have only really considered for human use.

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But WHY NOT give it a try?

Guess what happened? Within 24 hours her stools returned to near normal. She sleeps again through the night. Victoria and I get our sleep. She has been her usual self since. She plays, eats, drinks and has normal bowel movements.

We still give her daily dosages of all four items mentioned above.

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Homeopathy - What is it?

Homeopathyis a system of medicine whose fundamental principle is the law of similars— that like is cured by like. It was first given practical application by Samuel Hahnemann of Leipzig, Germany, in the early 19th century and was designated homeopathy to distinguish it from the established school of medicine which he called allopathy. The American Institute of Homeopathy was founded in 1844, and the practice of homeopathy was popularized in the United States by the physician and senator Royal S. Copeland (1868–1938).

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Ed., 1993:Homeopathy is "a system of medical practice that treats a disease especially by the administration of minute doses of a remedy that would in healthy persons produce symptoms similar to those of the disease".

Miranda Castro R.S. Hom., author of The Complete Homeopathic Handbook, 1990:"The Similum or Law of Similars: This basic law of homeopathy is similia similibus currentur: 'let likes be cured with like'. Based on this premise, the first homeopathic principle states that any substance that can make you ill can also cure you - anything that is capable of producing symptoms of disease in a healthy person can cure those symptoms in a sick person. By 'symptom' the homeopath means those changes that are felt by the patient (subjective) or observed (objective), which may be associated with a particular disease, or state of dis-ease, and which are the outward expression of that state".

Stephen Cummings, M.D. and Dana Ullman, M.P.H., authors of Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicines, 1991:"Homeopathy is a 200-year-old medical system you can use at home to help treat family members with a wide spectrum of acute health problems. It offers a way to gently stimulate your inner healing resources through recognizing and reinforcing the adaptive reaction's of the body's natural defenses. By choosing the correct, individually suited homeopathic medicine from the plant, mineral, animal, or chemical kingdom, you can successfully stimulate the body's own can complement your family 's efforts toward good health with these safe, natural medicines that provide an effective, inexpensive alternative to conventional medicine"

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There is a lot of controversy about if and how homeopathic remedies work. You must make up your own mind.

Please review these very interesting articles:

1. Homeopathy: Real Medicine or Empty Promises?

by Isadora Stehlin, FDA website

2. A Critical Overview of Homeopathy

Wayne B. Jonas, MD; Ted J. Kaptchuk, OMD; and Klaus Linde, MD,

Annals of Internal Medicine, 4 March 2003 | Volume 138 Issue 5 | Pages 393-399

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I do love Homeopathy - First - Do No Harm!!

As you may know - I have been using Sanum/PleoSanum homeopathic remedies for nearly 20 years in my clinical practice - with astounding results.

The most important precept - at least from my perspective - of being a health care provider is the Hippocratic Oath:

  • First Do No Harm

When you look at contemporary Western Medicine- this oath appears to be all but forgotten.

Just look at the insane drug company advertising on TV -

  • on the one hand the particular pharmaceutical drug promoted supposedly can solve certain health related symptomssuch as depression , heartburn, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high cholesterol problems, erectile dysfunction, etc....-
  • only you may experience side effects- your liver may fail, you may experience sometimes fatal muscle problems, you may experience increased tendencies to depression and/or suicidal thinking, you may end up with congestive heart failure, you may.... yes, you may actually die...

The nice thing about the homeopathic approach - no side effects. The worst thing that can typically happen - NOTHING.

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My vastly expanded Dr. Z Pet Store

Recently we have added quite a few homeopathic remedies by PCHF for your cats and/or dogs and/or your other creatures to our on-line pet store.

I have used some of PCHF "human" homeopathics for years.

Here are some of my human favorites:

Some, if not all, can easily be used for your pets - cats, dogs, horses, hamsters, etc..

Please take a moment to review the new pet additions:

  5. HEARTWORM for Dogs
  6. HEARTWORM for Cats
  7. and many more................

and Thorne Research pet supplements

  1. Canine Basic Nutrients
  2. Canine Geratric Basic Nutrients
  3. Arthropex for Dogs
  4. Arthroplex for Cats
  5. Gastriplex for dogs
  6. Gastriples for Cats
  7. and many more................

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What some of Dr. Z's clients say .


Dr. Z

Peter Zeischegg, MS, DC, DACNB

Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist

13288 Banner Lava Cap Road, Suite A

Nevada City, Ca 95959


(530) 265-0224

Visit our website .

ODDHC - O xygen Enriched Air , D iet, D igestion, H ypoglycemia/Blood Sugar, C andida

Contact Dr. Z by logging into your account.

©Copyright Dr. Peter Zeischegg, MS, DC, 2008. All Rights Reserved. This content may be copied in full, as long as copyright, contact, and creation information is given, only if used only in a not-for-profit format and for personal use. If possible, I would also appreciate an endorsement and encouragement to subscribe to the newsletter. If any other use is desired, written permission is required.

Author's Bio: 

Peter M. Zeischegg, known to his patients and on-line clients as Dr. Z, was born and raised in Germany.

1970 – receives his Dipl. Ing. Degree (Master of Science) in Civil Engineering from Technical University Berlin

1970-71 - attends University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign for postgraduate studies in Hydrology.

1971 - decides to quit the engineering field because he cannot establish an emotional connection to make this a truly satisfying career.

1978 - severe back injury leads him to become interested in chiropractic.

1983-86 - attends Life Chiropractic College-West . He discovers that ALL true healing comes not from drugs or surgery, but from within.

1991 - trip with Occidental Research Institute to Germany - is introduced to alternative-biological medicine and Sanum homeopathy .

1996 – research into Low Level Laser Therapy

Develops expertise in alternative solutions for Functional Illness , Candida , Fibromyalgia , Hypoglycemia , Chronic Fatigue , ADD/ADHD , Learning Disabilities , Digestive Problems , Allergies/Asthma , Heartburn/Indigestion , Food Allergies , Oxygen Deficiency , Brain and Chronic Illness

2001 – launches - website for Holistic On-Line Alternative Health Help

2002-2007 - post graduate studies in Functional Neurologywith Carrick Institute

2005 Diplomate of American Chiropractic Neurology Board (DACNB)

2006 Autism and Dyslexia- specialty training with Carrick Institute

2006 Physician’s Trainingwith Autism Research Institute (DAN!)

2007/2008 Vestibular Rehabilitation, Balance Disorders, Vertigo, Tinnitus, Dizziness- specialty training with Carrick Institute

Contact Dr. Z:


Phone: 530-265-0224


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Dr. Peter Zeischegg, Dr. Z, the Official Guide to Alternative Medicine