Many astrologers &  psychics agree that its been a
challenging year.

Mars has finally gone direct on Friday, April 13th after being in retrograde
motion for over 10 weeks. Thank heavens! Projects that have been staggering
should either improve or require a major renovation. The positive quality about
Mars in this position is that it can lead one to analyze what they put time and
effort into and the worth behind it. That retrograde was in the sign of Virgo.
If it was in ones chart impacting the relationship section, one would look at
their love life, who leads the relationship, intimacy skills, etc..
Unfortunately this position can make one extremely sensitive and subject to
cutting relationships off. The positive note is that once this position is over,
it will make one retrace their efforts asserted during the retrograde and either
fix them or abandon them all together. The next Mars retrograde is not until

From April 14 through May 14 is a great time to finalize anything you can that
wasnt possible in the last few months. This is extremely encouraged becauseduring the period of May 15June 26, Venus is retrograde. Therefore hurry up and
get what you need to get done ASAP, otherwise hold off until after June 28.

Venus in retrograde motion can be the most challenging out of all the
retrogrades. Venus deals with taste, pleasure, harmony, finances, relationships,
bonding, social activities, beauty , and in some cases possessions. This is the
one period that is not advised to not start anything new, make a major purchase,
undergo any elective procedure, or make a major change such as a move. Under no
circumstances would it be advisable to switch jobs, move to a new home, or
renovate an existing home because after the planet finishes its retrograde
motion, one will not like the results that manifested. Vacations that take place
under this time period are not enjoyed. A change in mind and taste may lead to
waste. Fortunately this retrograde is only 6 weeks in length. It is from May
15June 27.

Mercury, the planet of communication, is going to retrograde two more times this
year. This occurs for a 21-24 day period during July 14-August 8 and November

Many blame this for delays in communications, articles getting lost etc..
However with any energy, its important to also know the positive use. Retrograde
Mercury is a wonderful time to re-read a book, review materials that you
previously learned or reinvestigate matters. Often times one will have a new
perspective on it. In fact, usually if one didnt understand a subject,
re-exploring it on a retrograde can help one understand it better.

Mercury retrograde is the least of all difficulties. Though its pleasure
principle is not impacted like Venus, it can delay travel or create difficultieswith lost baggage. You are better off taking your vacation on this retrograde
than the one during Venus.

With all the dates mentioned above, if you need to assert strong business actionit is recommend doing so between August 9-November 5th.

Author's Bio: 

Jackie Williams has worked for as a manager overlooking the talent department for a prominent new age communications company. Later as the internet developed, she diversified her recruitment specialty to server global clients for a internet based spiritual network.She attained her Master of Arts in Anthropology from Northern Arizona University and her BA from Hunter College.