There are different types of skin cancers . In fact, there are 3 types of skin cancer that are popularly known. But there are only 2 major forms -- the non
melanomas and melanoma.

What is the difference between the non melanomas and melanoma?

Here is an important distinction: The non melanomas are more common and are less dangerous than melanoma.

Let's find out about the deadliest first.

Melanoma Type

The cancerous cell develops in the melanocytes, which are cells found between the epidermis and the dermis of your skin.

More women are diagnosed with melanoma than men. Surprisingly, it has the lowest incidence rate but it has the highest death rate among the different types of skin

Children and adolescents can also develop melanoma but it occurs more often among adults.

It is the deadliest type of all skin cancers. It grows and spreads very fast through your lymph nodes and your bloodstream. It can also spread to other organs of your body.

Melanoma can appear as a new mole. It can also develop in a mole. That is why it is necessary to always check your skin for new moles and for any abnormal changes in your moles. Having a lot of moles is a factor that contributes to the development of melanoma.

The Non Melanomas

The non melanomas are further divided into different types. The 2 most common forms are Basal cell and Squamous cell carcinomas.

The other 3 types of non melanoma skin cancer -- T-cell skin lymphoma, Kaposi's sarcoma, and Merkel cell carcinoma -- are considered rare.

Basal cell carcinoma develops in the deepest part of the skin epidermis called the basal cells.

It is the most common type of non melanoma. It accounts for 75 to 80 percent of diagnosed skin cancer cases in the United States. It is often diagnosed among people who are in middle or old age.

It is the mildest form among the different types of skin cancers . It is the least deadly because it grows very slowly and it seldom spreads.

But even with its less harmful characteristics, basal cell carcinoma should still be treated. If it is left untreated, it can develop into a deep skin ulcer. When it does, it can spread deeper into and it can eat away the healthy tissues surrounding it.

Its most favored areas of growth on your skin are those that are constantly exposed to sunlight. But basal cell carcinoma can also start on your back or your lower legs.

Since it rarely spreads to another organ of your body, it also does not lead to a secondary cancer unlike the squamous cell type. You can have more than one basal cell carcinoma at a time and having one increases your risk to develop another tumor in the basal cells.

Squamous cell carcinoma is another one of the different types of skin cancers . It starts at the squamous cells. It is more aggressive than basal cell. If it spreads, it can lead to another kind of cancer.

Author's Bio: 

If you would like to find out more about squamous cell carcinoma, see All About Squamous Cell Skin Cancer .

Belen Tanghal, a health enthusiast, believes prevention is the way to winning the war against cancer. Her Cancer Prevention website offers easy-to-comprehend information why cancer starts and steps on prevention.

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