I spent a lot of time examining relationships between men and women and I see exactly where us women fall short in regards to getting the relationship we desire. Unfortunately, we relate sex to love and this is mistake number one. In today’s world, we find ourselves engaging in sexual activities before we even gotten a chance to claim our position. This causes emotional confusion and delusion. We begin to fantasize about a relationship that doesn’t exist. Yeah, he’s calling you and coming over at night digging your back out, but this is not love nor is it a partnership.

I know this may feel like a relationship because some time has passed and you’ve slept together several times, but it’s really just sex. You realize the only place you see him is in your bedroom and his calls are getting later and later in the night when you can barely reach him in the day. No discussion of future plans, you haven’t met anyone in his family , and he text you more than he calls. If you are going through this type of situation you are a booty call. Now, I know this sounds harsh but it’s the truth.

You can’ t be a girlfriend or wife material to a man if you have already given up the goodies before he makes a commitment. You should have established who you are to each other before having sex. Men view woman differently than how we think. If you give it up too soon, he will believe you’re easy and if you gave it to him so quickly chances are you have given up to every man before him quickly as well. You lose points when you move too quickly even if he initiates it.

You have to show respect for yourself if you expect for anyone else to respect you. A man will never value a woman who doesn’t value herself. The crazy thing is even when we know they are no good, we still decide to settle and allow them to take advantage of our bodies. This is really sad that we would risk getting sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy from a man who doesn’t even claim us as their woman. If we spent more time getting to learn ourselves and building ourselves up internally, we wouldn’t have time for dead beat men.

The best way to get the man of your dreams is by concentrating on yourself. You will only attract who you are, so work on you and then you will receive the perfect reflection of yourself.

Author's Bio: 

I am a spiritual intercessor, writer ,and alchemist who communicates with spirit guides to help assist you in your spiritual journey. I provide messages sent to me by the ancestors and angels who watch over you in your everyday life. They have a divine message for you and I am here to make sure you receive that message and live your best life through Spirit.