Are Excuses Preventing Growth?

Salespeople, entrepreneurs , and management all make excuses preventing growth. And when they experience a downturn in sales, they act puzzled. Asking for help is one of the best remedies for when we encounter difficulty.  Seeking help is also one of the better strategies for ensuring success.

Most people would rather be known for their errors than seek help. Why is that? The two most popular reasons people prefer making an excuse instead of asking for help are the embarrassment of asking, and fear of leaving the comfort zone.

People do not like to admit they don’t know an answer. So they provide nonsensical insights that ultimately kill the sale. What they do not understand is that by admitting upfront we are not familiar with the topic, we convey truthfulness and honesty. The admission is a rare event, and will encourage prospects to become loyal clients.

To be successful in business whether as an employee or a CEO, we have to always set time aside to learn the new. Otherwise, it will be a quick downward spiral that will put us out of business. Those who succeed are always working beyond their current capacity for both business and personal growth .

Flooding the Corporate Zone with Excuses

New technology and ways of conducting business are continually evolving. Salespeople claim there isn’t enough time in the day to do all the necessary research. The number of topics to embrace is mind-boggling. But the ultimate waste of time is in not doing the research up-front because sales are lost. Prospective clients are observing their representative to see if they are willing to put in the effort to earn the sale. Either way indicates what it will be like working together should a sale occur.

I agree there aren’t enough hours in the day to tackle everything at once. The better approach is to prioritize what needs to get done, and double-check that goals match your new priorities.

It’s safe to say, everyone, at some point, will seek out their comfort zone. The harsh reality is we need to keep ourselves in check. When we choose not to update our skills and knowledge, we fall far behind. Once in the sinkhole, a new job is highly unlikely. Recovery becomes near impossible. Analytics reveal what and why to re-strategize. The ‘how’ is up to us.

We are to remind ourselves:
• No one person has all the answers
• Blame never works well
• The better practice is to review our habits instead of making excuses

For More Insights Read:
1 Are You Future-Ready? 
2 Do You Imagine Improvement? 
3 Are You Missing A Piece Of Business?
4 Are You On Track For A Fruitful Year-End? 
5 Do You Need To Update Procedures? 

Time Out: How do you view asking for help?
• Asking for help is embarrassing
• Taking classes requires too much time and money
• I can get by without the knowledge
• It’s not important

A better practice is to get help in a variety of ways and from a wide array of people. The broader perspective allows for a more inclusive solution. Asking questions of older and younger people plus diverse backgrounds provide the following:

1 Flexibility in working with varying personalities
2 A greater understanding of what is important to those you meet
3 Increased potential for being awarded the sale

Re-examine the question, ‘are excuses preventing moving forward?’ Do not be embarrassed to ask for help. Reframe the notion of embarrassment to promoting goodwill on both sides. And view the event as making someone else look good. The right people will feel proud. Their reward is in being able to help make a difference.

Review your recent issues and come to terms with those still unresolved. Revisit your goals and update accordingly.

Use The 3 Steps To Move Forward:

1 Revise your plan to move forward
2 Hire a mentor
3 Restructure your goals

Analysis of your advancement will give you a laser focus on what comes next. Continuing the process as you move forward will have achievements arriving swifter than ever before.

Sales Tips: Are Excuses Preventing Growth?
1 Commit to learning the new
2 Ask for help
3 Admit that younger people know more about the latest trends 
4 Take classes
5 Research the competition
6 Stay current on industry news
7 Establish monthly brainstorming meetings with trusted peers
8 Track endeavors and confirm the best performing
9 Leverage the best strategies to date
10 Celebrate Success!

Author's Bio: 

Elinor Stutz broke through barriers long before doing so was popular. Against all odds she defied the theme, “women can’t sell” to become the top producer at every company she ever worked all the while ignoring attempts to get her to quit.
Faced with an irreparable broken neck, Stutz paid attention to two visions as they appeared before her while on the stretcher. In the moment, she negotiated a full recovery with the promise to be of service to communities at large.
As the CEO of Smooth Sale, Stutz adapted the motto, “Believe, Become, Empower.” Stutz is a motivational/inspirational speaker, author and sales trainer.
• Stutz’ first book, Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building that Gets Results is an International Best-Seller.
• Her second book, HIRED! has helped many secure their desired jobs.
• The Wish: A 360… mentors readers on how to build influence.
• 2019 Global Business Insights Award: Marketing-Communication
• The Smooth Sale blog is rated as a Top Sales Blog.
• Kred declared Elinor to be A Top 1% Influencer
• @RiseBoarders ranks Stutz as a Top Sales Guru
• Tenfold lists “Top 65 women Business Influencers”
• CEO Magazine Declares “One of the brightest sales minds to follow on Twitter”