These days most of us could use help with an anger management class. As the political debate gets more polarized it may even behoove our politicians and certain TV news pundits to take it down a notch. Because living with someone can be stressful at times, anger control is particularly relevant for couples.

It's not that feeling anger itself is not healthy, rather that the majority of us were never naught constructive ways to manage our anger. If you or someone close to you feels like your anger may be out of control, it may be time to consider anger control classes. Feeling angry is natural but learning effective ways to deal with anger is a skill that needs to be learned.

Qualified professionals such as counselors and psychologists who teach how you can control your temper can help you understand the cause of your anger, what triggers to watch out for and how to react to anger in healthier ways.

If there are unresolved issues in a relationship they may masquerade as inexplicable rage over seemingly trivial things.

Another issue anger management classes can help with is communication skills . Learning how to communication your feelings and needs in non-destructive ways can make the difference between a healthy relationship and a failed one.

If the underlying cause of your anger is a fundamental need that is not being met, knowing what that need is and communicating it to your significant other may be just what the relationship was starving for.

Taking a class together with your partner can be a rewarding and enriching experience for couples.

Don't forget that change won't happen overnight. Anger management takes time and practice but is well worth the wait.

Taking anger management classes together as a couple and may just save your relationship as you learn and grow together.

Author's Bio: 

Go here for more information about anger management classes .

Dr. Joe James is a psychologist who is the developer of an online court ordered anger management class .