Who do you suppose is most likely to end up needing an anger management class?

Those who are more youthful, with kids in the house and less schooling are the most likely to have anger management problems according to recent research.

Scott Shieman of the University of Toronto asked 1800 people over the age of 18 when and how often they felt angry.

Participants rated their anger on a scale ranging from slightly ticked off to blind fury.

While we all have anger, the way you deal with it can be harmful to you over time.Those who express their anger might actually live longer than those who keep it bottled in, one study found.

Several factors were found to correlate with anger management problems.

For one, people under 30 experienced anger of all forms or intensities more frequently than did older adults.Three factors were found to be underlying the higher levels of stress in the younger adults.



*Work relationships

Feeling as if there was not enough time in the day was the stressor most strongly linked to anger management problems. Typically the type of anger experienced because of time was low grade, but chronic.

Younger women were the most likely to feel financial stress. This was associated with a higher level of anger than time pressures.

The responsibilities of raising a family was the factor most associated with yelling and more overt expressions of anger, more frequently in women than men.

The researcher who conducted the study hypothesized that the constant pressure of having to keep an eye on children, disciplining them and simply the daily grind of a parent’s life having to revolve around a child’s was the reason for the levels of anger experienced by parents.

The less educated were less likely to talk about or plan for situations that were likely to make them angry. The lack of venting and planning was hypothesized to be the underlying factor for the high level of anger within this group.

Schieman hypothesized that because education has been linked to higher levels of self discipline and planning skills those with less of it are more likely to be overwhelmed or surprised by a stressor.

In summary, from a demographic perspective, those who are less educated, with children and younger are the most likely to need an anger management class.

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Go here for more free information on anger management techniques

Dr. Joe James is a psychologist who is the developer of several online anger management classes .