Anger Can Be Permanently Dissolved

By Bart Sharp

Anger management is not the best long-term solution for our anger. What it offers to the person desiring the ability to control their anger. However it does not address the long-term solution. They still often become the affect of anger.

We can go from someone who uses anger as a destructive force to not holding the triggers and energies that influence us to become angry. We can be free of this destructive cycle.

To begin the core of our anger that we express has a root with the anger we suppressed in our past. If we are out of control with our anger, feel we are the affect of it and/or do not use it as a choice it comes from our repressed sources. We have had anger put or forced upon us in unfair situations, many times in repetitive situations. We generally were disempowered in those situations. Not only were we angry but also felt ashamed that somehow we were wrong in someway in those past situations. Those experiences never got resolved so they become suppressed. This is where our destructive patterns of anger come from and are continually recreated from.

For many these experiences come out as anger later on in life as overbearing, controlling and/or an aggressive way. Unfortunately once it is expressed it does not mean that it permanently goes away but begins the process of recreating itself. We become stuck in our own patterns that were taught to us by angry people that could not get out of their own patterns.

However these patterns can change. When we began the process of learning what happened to us, the stories, the behaviors we begin to feel the experiences again. But now we are not children but adults. The past cannot hurt us again and we no longer need to avoid it but perceive it in a non-judging way, to observe it. As we recall the stories and observe we can feel our body reacting as well. We actually are feeling the memories of out experiences recorded in our body. We are feeling the energetic memory of it.

The more we feel deeply in our body these memories they began to release. As children if we were taught this we would have had a different experience. I like to hold a memory and feel it in my body, just to observe it and nurture it. It then settles and transforms.

As an intuitive therapist I find these body memories are numerous and take time. I find that doing energetic clearings speeds up the process as well. We have an amazing ability to suppress these things in a variety of ways. If we address them when they come up we can began to change our selves forever. It takes time, persistence, a willingness to listen within and a nurturing of our selves. It is work worth doing as it will change all aspects of our lives forever.

Author's Bio: 

Bart Sharp is an author and Access Facilitator from Austin Texas. He has worked with a wide variety of people with emotional abuses or traumas, suppressed anger, addictions, depression and shame. Bart's approach by releasing the limitations as an energetic body memory are unique but effective. He can be contacted at 512 809 6807 or . For more information about Bart go to .