Fear is a natural feeling and we can’t avoid it. The one thing that we can learn to do is control it when it happens. If we can learn to control our fear we can take a bad situation and turn it around for our good. Fear is a natural reaction which was given to us in order to help us to overcome adversity or escape from danger. Fear is not pleasant at all and the biggest danger is allowing ourselves to be overwhelmed by it. Fear can be one of the best things that ever happened to us if we allow it. It can also be one of the worst if we fail to control it.

Most incidents which cause fear these days are not life threatening so they don’t really require the physical response that fear was intended to produce. Since we don’t generally have to fight to survive we need to adjust our fear to fit the non threatening situations which life generally throws at us.

The very first thing that we need to do is to control the fear before it gets a grip on our mind. Thinking about the danger or problem part of the situation will not help you at all. Recognize the fear which is attempting to rob you of your very life and get a handle. Being afraid or worrying about your problem will not make it go away. It won’t help you in the least so let it go. The important thing is to attempt to find an immediate solution. Spend your valuable time coming up with an answer to the problem rather than just being afraid of what you think is going to happen to you.

Use the adrenalin which fear causes to surge through your body to make you perform mentally, but remember that you can’t perform if you are more focused on your emotion rather than the solution to your problem. When you lose focus you lose the battle. You must remain focused to win. Develop the ability to block out everything other than what you need to block out. People who perform heroic acts are only heroic because they know how to focus.

I once read an account of the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese in the 40’s. According to one Japanese pilot the bravest American that he ever saw stood there in front of him as he strafed the ground around him. The American stood there with a pistol and continued to fire at the plane while it bore down on him. That soldier was brave but he was only brave because he was focused. He chose to concentrate on shooting down the Japanese plane rather than being afraid of what it would do to him. If there had ever been a time in history where an airplane was shot down by a pistol this would have been it. Who knows what you can accomplish if you can remain focused.

You may have to break the situation down into small manageable tasks and focus on them one at a time in order to defeat your fear but the key thing to remember is that you definitely won’t make it if you choose to obey the voice of your fears. The Good Life

Author's Bio: 

Cedric Rice is the founder of Riceland Enterprises, which is composed of several different business ventures. This company is currently located in Georgia.
Riceland Enterprises of several web sites that Mr. Rice owns and operates which is oriented towards consumers along with Military Ring Express , and Fragrance Oil Express