The benefits or harms of Electrical Muscle Stimulators (EMS) are under the scanner for years now and contradictory reports are published during this regard. While some call it the elixir for supernatural strength, others term it as unnatural and harmful. What these stimulators do is that they replicate the production of electric current inside the body through a device which is attached to the electrodes in contact with our skin. This current stimulates the muscles within the applied area to contract and thereby strengthen them. However, it's no substitute for exercising and need to be used for injury recovery purposes. Some of the advantages and harms that come hand in hand with the use of Fitness studio in Dubai are as follows:
Aids Athletes: status coaches are known to use these simulators for training the players at various levels. The stimulation helps them to enhance their peak performances in around a fortnight's time and also ensures faster recovery from injuries. It is Not only used for rehabilitation but is increasingly being used in training of runners, football players, bodybuilders and other strenuous athletes.
Faster Recovery: Even a little injury can easily jeopardize the career of a sportsperson and Electrical Muscle Stimulation aids the injured players to recover faster and retain a fitter physique. The results achieved with EMS's are such that the player is able to return to the field with a strengthened body despite being in rehabilitation. Damage to bones, ligaments, tendon etc. are greatly soothed by these.
Faux Machines: Since it is a recent technological advancement, the market is rising with machines which use the basic EMS formula for weight loss and calorie burning. Although calories are burnt through their use yet it isn't as systematic as a traditional exercise routine would be. One shouldn't be tempted to use EMS as weight reducing tactics while sitting on a sofa and relaxing. It has to be complemented with other forms of physical training.
Others: If it is not used properly, the stimulator can also lead to muscle tear if it has been turned too high for one's endurance. The electric current and adhesive on electrodes can also lead to skin allergies and irritation. Since the stimulator works on electric current generation, it may interfere with other implanted electrical medical devices. For such users should consult their doctors before resorting to EMS. If any of the thus far mentioned cons occur, one should seek professional help at earnest.