Web world is witness another revolution under its helm, it is Cloud Computing. Cloud Computing is still in its beginning stage, and awaiting to find large scale acceptance by users and software development company, however, further research and development at high pace is still on to make it more secure and reachable for larger audience.

Nevertheless, people have started to respond and learn about Cloud Computing, and it is important for any new user to learn about its negative and positive part comprehensively. At the end of the day it is technology which has its own drawbacks as any another technology would have and advantages as well that any user would want to know about.

• Cloud Computing reduces the cost, as it is lot cheaper practically than software that cost you extra on anything. Moreover, it also reduces the cost of storage as you would have to put extra money to get that much needed extra storage. A software development company can build customized solution which is again a cost-effective than customized software solution.
• The basic concept of its advantage is its portability, which makes an employee capable to work mobile from anywhere. Moreover, employer can check and keep track of employee work in real-time, assessing his work word by word and task by task.
• Cloud Computing can be data sharing centre in itself thus making data sharing easily shareable and enhancing performance and efficiency.
• Developers are asserting that Cloud Computing is most secure as data is centralized and much stronger and reliable than conventional store systems.
• Freedom from work office hours is another benefit Cloud Computing System offers as work is easily manageable from anywhere and minimizes the chance of missing the deadline.

• Cloud Computing works online and absolutely dependent on network connections, which brings in many drawbacks such as, if network connection is slow or not available then work, will jeopardize.
• Data sharing is an advantage but also is disadvantage as it creates security and legal issues. It is still not clear whether legal rights for data remains with the user or with the host of server and owner of Cloud Computing System.
• As mentioned earlier, Data storage at Cloud Computing is secure as it is unaffected by computer’s crashing or any hardware or software problem but again security threat remains intact because if any server is attacked then all the data storage will be lost.
• Many experts assert that Cloud Computing is expensive and it is superficial that Cloud Computing can be inexpensive, as user will have to pay on monthly for data storage and updates.

Cloud Computing System as told earlier is still in its nascent stage, where disadvantages are still being dealt with. Therefore, users will have to wait for updates or continue to use current Cloud Computing System. Hopefully research and development is happening at fast pace and improving the system much faster to bring in more security and keep disadvantages at bay.

Lastly, one can always look for custom solutions for Cloud Computing System offered by any renowned software development company. Customized solutions ease your task and ensure specific focus on feasibility and usability.

Author's Bio: 

Shriv ComMedia Solutions is a professional software development company offering expert solutions in Embedded System Services , testing solutions, mobile application software, 2D and 3D multimedia solutions and customized software solutions. SCMS has successful handled outsource projects for renowned companies for all IT solutions