What does it take to become an active and vibrant 100 year old adult? Why is that important? If you are curious about what it takes to have optimal health and well-being, centenarians have much to teach you. Researchers are interviewing active centenarians from diverse cultures around the world, and they are uncovering life-enhancing patterns that others can follow. One in 26 baby boomers is expected to live to 100. So, get ready to live your best life right up until the end.

Dr. Mario Martinez, author of The Mind-Body Code, interviewed centenarians and describes them as resilient, creative, flexible and able to persevere. They are not just passing time but using it productively. They live their life with these four mindful commitments: 1) Growing older passes time – aging engages it; 2) The present moment is never too late to make commitments; 3) Illnesses are learned – the causes of health are inherited; 4) Forgiveness is a liberating act of self-love. Dr. Martinez also found that they live their lives with moderation: Some are plump, not obese; some smoke and drink, not an addiction ; and some are religious – not fanatics. They make joyful choices to avoid excesses and find novelty and wisdom in the challenges they encounter.

My take-away after reviewing the literature about centenarians is this: These amazing human beings have learned to overcome adversity and move forward with a positive attitude and passion for living. If living fully until death is possible for them, it is an opportunity for us. One centenarian in our community still goes out on Meals on Wheels runs.

How can their wisdom impact your life today? Here are a few tips:

• Be aware that enjoying life into your 100s is a possibility – Visualize it for yourself
• Make healthy lifestyle choices – Avoid excesses with a sense of pleasure not sacrifice
• Embrace change – Move through it and stay focused on a positive outcome
• Live with purpose – Get involved in things that make you feel relevant
• Turn adversity into opportunity – Grow in love, power and wisdom
• Forgive yourself and others – Surround yourself with loving people who nurture you
• Enjoy life – Feel passionate about loving and living “for better or worse”

If we can live these strategies, we also have a chance to follow in the footsteps of active centenarians. Our bodies may slow down some, but our spirit is ageless. Together, let’s walk this empowering pathway through time with a smile on our faces.

To live well longer, make a commitment to live your “best life” and imagine yourself happily celebrating your 100th birthday.

Author's Bio: 

Sandra Miniere, M.Ed., is an integrative wellness coach, certified Emotional Freedom Techniques practitioner, Amazon best-selling author and speaker. She is a former holistic mental health counselor and has been helping people transform themselves and their lives for over 30 years. In her book, A Lighter Side to Cancer - From Wake-up Call to Radiant Wellness, she shares her uplifting and empowering adventure through breast cancer and highlights healing strategies for the mind, body and soul. Her website is www.IntegrativeWellnessExpert.com .