Acquiring online degrees or accredited degree programs is a wonderful way to advance your career by value adding to your existing skill set.

Online learning is different from conventional education, as learners are not required to attend classrooms. Also called distant learning or e Learning, online learning takes place on a computer connected to a network. This system affords a learner the convenience of learning anytime and anywhere.

Working adults, students and professionals these days have taken to accredited degree programs in a big way, but there was a time when students did have a major concern. The questions most often asked were:

*Will employers recognize my degree?*Is my online certification as good as the degree from a brick and mortar school?

Fortunately, online education has evolved considerably over the last decade or so. Quality accredited degree programs are now considered on the same level with the traditional classroom degree. This is primarily due to positive evaluation done by some regional U.S. organizations that accredit American colleges and universities. An in-depth evaluation of 400 studies conducted to assess the value of distance learning concluded that there was no qualitative difference between online learning and distance learning . Though hiring managers may still have mixed opinions on online certification, the fact remains that accredited degree programs are here to stay.

What Has Made These Degree Programs Click?

First, regional U.S. organizations have stipulated strict guidelines to assess accredited programs enabling reputable schools to have acceptable standards. This in turn has made qualifiers of distance degrees score as much if not more than those who have qualified from traditional classrooms. The second key factor for the popularity of an accredited degree is it offers students an opportunity to advance their skill set as no other way does. In addition, those who have qualified have proved their mettle in their job arena. This more than anything else has been the true test of the quality that distance education degrees impart. Moreover, students can choose from a wide variety of programs available on the net. For instance, a person desirous of learning the diagnostic aspects of patient care will find an online degree in radiologic science will qualify the student as a radiology technician. Those who have graduated from Radiology Technician Schools have experienced the benefits of entering this highly dynamic field. Radiology is only one of the many fields where people have made careers via online qualifications. The benefits of choosing to learn via an online learning program are many.

*You can learn at your convenience from anywhere.
*Short disruptions and any personal emergencies are generally tolerated by online tutors unlike the brick and mortar schools where you need to login to prove minimum attendance
*You can work at your own pace

However, it is important to first ascertain the credibility of an online school. If the college is reputed, then employers will not bother how you obtained the degree.

With the spread of the Internet, more and more people regardless of their age have become computer savvy, providing a big boost to accredited degree programs.

Author's Bio: 

Amy Puryear is the author of this article. She is very familiar with accredited degree programs and their importance when seeking admission to Radiology Technician Schools .