Your body is a vessel for your soul. It has served you well. When we are called home, it doesn’t matter what our physical body looks like, it has served its purpose. All those vital organs have helped you stay alive. But what happens when you stop breathing, and those vital organs start to die? What happens next might help someone else stay alive. Your passion for life and considerate actions, might give someone else a second chance at life.

Somewhere in this vast world we live in, a child waits for an organ. That child has been put on an organ donor list, a list that provides hope. Yet, in another part of the world a father waits patiently for the phone to ring with the news that they have a donor. Every time the phone rings, his hopes reach to the top of the sky, only to be slammed down to his reality. He waits for the phone to ring again.

The vitality of life does not discriminate! It will accept your heart, your lungs, your live, kidney, spleen and such. You will not need them anymore when you are called home. The day I am called home I will say, “Take what you need, give someone else a second chance at life.”

While we are alive and well, it is hard to think about death. But as in life, there will be death; we never know what time, day or the manner which that will occur, but we know it is inevitable. It is just as important to prepare for death just as we celebrate life. We think ahead and plan out our will; this is of the same importance and should be discussed with family as well. Does your family know if you are an organ donor? Is it in writing? Every four years we renew our driver’s license, you can fill out paper work to be an organ donor. You can also go to this website to find out more information, . Please check with your local government office to see how you can donate in your country. When I say the word organ, I am also referring to tissue as well.

Let’s focus on getting people’s names off the donor list. With a world so vast, maybe one day there will be no such thing as a donor list. Let’s give someone else a second chance at life.

Author's Bio: 

My website, , offers hope and encouragement to others. Talk, Share, Learn, and Listen.

I wrote four books "Walk in Peace" & "My Soulful Journey" and "The Wishing Well" and "The Green Rabbit" which are available on my website, and

I also have a Blog Talk Radio show. I have interviewed people regarding all subject matter. Feel free to listen to the archives at: