The true purpose of power is to transform yourself and your world. A sense of empowerment renews your life purpose. Shame is the demon. It takes away your joy. The healing process involves letting go of shame that who you are and what you do is not good enough.

As a society, we have been raised into obedience and trained for cooperation. We think of power as “power over,” based on struggle and opposition. We have lost the sense of our own divine nature and personal power. To change our concept of power, we need to move away from struggle and toward transformation . We must move toward a power that inspires and strengthens us without diminishing others.

Accept yourself as a unique individual and take responsibility for your life.

Before you can engage with the world, you must have a clear sense of yourself as a separate individual. You are willing to be unique and risk disapproval for the integrity of your own truth. To claim your personal power, you must first be your true self. By blaming others you remain passive and irresponsible. Personal autonomy requires that you let go of blame and accept responsibility for your life.

You cannot create change in yourself and the world unless you accept yourself for who you really are. Otherwise you remain trapped in the expectations that society and others have for you. To be a unique individual you must overcome unconscious habits that define you. You must take responsibility for your life and truly claim your personal power. In the process of becoming your own person, you allow the unfolding of your unique journey on Earth.

Look within to know what you really want and need.

Determining the course of your life requires a strong will. You must pay conscious attention to your desires and their expression in the world. The desires of your heart provide fuel for your will. They give it strength and direction. You act with clear intention and not only from whim. You move steadily toward your future and make choices that honor who you really are. You align with your true Self and release your personal power.

During quiet time alone you make contact with your true Self. You discover the longings of your heart. You know your deepest thoughts and feelings. In the midst of life’s busyness, quiet time alone may seem an impossible goal. But solitude is not a luxury. It is essential for your well-being. You pay an enormous price for ignoring your inner needs. Desires come from deep within. By following them you access the power of your inner Genius.

Use your mistakes to grow and develop a sense of personal power.

To be thankful for the gift of each new day requires self-esteem . You are willing to meet daily challenges with a sense of trust in yourself. You face life’s uncertainties and accept that mistakes will happen along the way. You learn that it is not the mistake but how you respond that matters. Mistakes help you grow in confidence and develop your sense of personal power.

As your power grows, you are able to change and transform yourself. Power exists to help you become who you really are. It is a process not a thing. It allows you to escape the narrow limitations you place on yourself. You transition from past to future. Power expresses the presence of the divine within you. As your power grows, you find your own unique path and create a joyful life experience.

Having a healthy sense of power allows you to approach life with vitality, joy and confidence. You choose a plan of action and move forward to accomplish your goals. Each moment is full of possibilities until you make a choice. Having a life vision guides you in making wise choices. It serves as a catalyst for change. It helps you stay focused on what matters the most to you. You become the powerful creator of a happier, more purposeful life.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Mary Beth Ford is the author of Wisdom from the Gardens—Life Lessons and creator of the CD Garden Wisdom—5 Ways to Grow in Life Balance and Joy. She specializes in the area of life balance, which she describes as balance between outer world and inner Self. In her work Mary Beth shares five powerful garden lessons for living with balance and joy. She helps busy people live with Spirit in the world. Using nature images she offers us a new way of seeing ourselves and our world.

To live with more balance and joy, explore Mary Beth’s website at . Sign up for her bi-monthly Reflections and weekly One Minute Reflection. Receive a free audio gift of Garden Wisdom Secrets. Follow Mary Beth on Facebook at .