A defoamer or an anti-foaming agent can be demarcated as a “chemical additive” used in processes common in industrial applications. In fact, it would be more appropriate to say that these agents are used in industrial course fluids to prevent the creation of foam. The addition of surface-active elements is often responsible for trapping the air right at the liquid surface thereby causing the build-up of foam. The anti-foaming agent or the defoamer that you are using must be backed by low surface tension- which facilitates the spreading of foam across the foam surface.

What should you know about anti-foaming agents? How much do you know?

You need to get in touch with a reputable Defoamer Manufacturer to procure quality foam. Depending on your choice, you might as well go on to procure anything from the following choices:

Mineral oil based defoamer

Silicone based defoamer

Polymer based defoamer (especially designed)

Non-mineral oil based defoamer

Non-silicone based defoamer

The types of anti-foaming agents you should know about

Now, while talking about defoamer, one can hardly miss out on defoamer for phosphoric acid manufacturing process. You can procure defoamers especially designed to prevent the formation of foam in phosphoric acid manufacturing processes. The anti-foaming agents end up performing the very important functions of not only bursting the foam in the phosphoric acid manufacturing processes but its regeneration as well.

Now, phosphoric acid remains the outcome of the reaction between sulphuric acid and phosphate rock. The whole process (of creating phosphoric acid) is actually carried out at elevated temperatures (more than 70 degree Celsius). The whole “wet process” involves the formation of large volumes of gases that in turn result in the formation of substantial foam. Now, the amount of foam thus formed might as well end up causing a major threat for the plant workers. The caustic properties of the phosphoric acid actually pose a major risk in this case.

Get in touch with the right Defoamer Manufacturer

Regardless of the type of the anti-foaming agent that you are procuring, you have to ensure that you are actually reaching out to a credentialed defoamer manufacturer. We have already told you that. However, the question is – how exactly will you spot a qualified manufacturer? Please make sure that you are duly acquainting yourself in this regard.

One of the best bets would be to reach out to peers without fail. Who exactly are they consulting? Would they recommend the manufacturer to you? Why do they think you should actually go on to secure their services?

Are you conducting your research online (without the help of personal recommendations)? Are you looking up the credentials of the manufacturer, backed by due reviews? Please make sure that you are procuring answers to these questions without fail before you’re actually opting for services.

If you are new to the world of anti-foaming agents – do make sure that you are educating yourself about the defoamers. The more you educate yourself about the same – the easier it’ll be for you to understand the nuances.

Author's Bio: 

Shah Patil manufactures & exports Additives & Speciality Chemicals for various industries, operating Nationwide and Internationally. It has touched various incredible heights in the Paints, Inks , Pulp & Paper, Chemical Processes, Pigments, Dyes, Effluent Treatment, Lubricating Oils Industry.