Ever since the Surgeon General announced that cigarettes cause health issues back in the 1960’s, American’s have tried many different techniques to break their addiction . From the patch, or gum or just plain willpower, the desire to lessen the withdrawal symptoms has increased. How can I quit without the withdrawals becoming so severe?

When I first see a client, the first thing they mention is that they have quit before, on an average of 3 times and for as long as 6 months before they just gave in to their overwhelming feelings of defeat. They complain that they couldn’t sleep, or they gained weight, or that they become so agitated that they hate to be around themselves!

I will be the first to admit (as a previous smoker) that cigarettes are not easy to quit. It is downright painful. Believe it or not, the lucky and successful people who became non-smokers state that the pain that they endured during those first four days was enough to say “I’m never going through that again!” After all, if it were easy to quit, people would stop for a month and then smoke for two months. It really would not be an addiction , now would it?

The pills, the patch and the gum are all good to reduce the withdrawal symptoms, but again, it makes it so much easier to go back to smoking. So what is the best way to finally succeed in quitting smoking? Hypnosis .

Will hypnosis reduce the withdrawal symptoms? Some, but not all of it. The deep relaxation of hypnosis will let the client get through the withdrawal symptoms easier, but there will be some discomfort. Hypnosis will give the client the absolute determination needed sufficient for one to run the 26-mile marathon, which is precisely the mental strength needed to quit smoking. Getting into the subconscious mind allows the client to release the “I can’t do it,” and bring on “Oh Yes I can” attitude to the forefront. Not only will it help in becoming a non-smoker, it will increase the confidence in knowing that success is obtainable in every situation.

Hypnosis introduces the real power of person that has been kept hidden through the smoke shield of smoking. Instead of retreating, the client becomes an active participant in taking control of how they want their life to be. Not only does quitting smoking change habits, it changes the overall attitude towards life. It’s not about depriving one of cigarettes; it’s about re-acquainting the client to their own power. Stopping smoking is life changing.

Ok. You did it. You stopped smoking. Now what. The stress is now coming up and the hypnosis session is wearing off. A competent Hypnosis Profession will always give their client a reinforcement CD for Smoking Cessation. This CD is an extension of the hypnosis session and it is imperative for those who are successful on a long-term basis. Make sure when you make your hypnosis appointment, a CD is included. It has been documented that if you want to effectively rewire the brain to accept a new way a living, 30 days of hypnosis CD will work. It also makes it easier down the road in 3 to 6 months to listen again when stress gets a bit overwhelming.

After stopping smoking, new energy is experienced within 1 day and if this new energy is not dealt with efficiently, the new non-smoker will gain another vice to replace the smoking. Suggestions can be given to release the need to make food a substitute and it is recommended to make the suggestion that the extra energy will be released through exercise .

Let’s talk about the cost of Hypnosis . The cost of Smoking Cessation programs through hypnosis usually run between $250 to $500. By looking at the cost of cigarettes that you spend during a year ($1800/yr for 1 pack a day) there is a significant amount of savings associated with giving up the habit. But let’s look at the psychological aspect in the prevention of starting smoking again down the road. Wouldn’t a person who stopped smoking 6 months ago think twice about starting again, knowing that they threw away the $250.00? Quitting smoking is great, but not as great as being a permanent non-smoker. The cost of the gum or the patches or pills run about the same but the success rates are dramatically lowered.

Hypnosis is the way to quit smoking permanently and it is the most cost effective. Let your addiction introduce you to the person behind the smoke screen through hypnosis. Join the millions of others who stopped through hypnosis.

Author's Bio: 

Julie Johnson is a Clinical Hypnoptherapist residing in Riverside, California. Her practice, Creative Guided Imagery is now in partnership with the Body Care Clinic, a chiropractic and nutritional kinesiology that supports the mind-body connection.