When considering joining a Network Marketing company you should carefully evaluate the companies network marketing training program. A Network Marketing training system should be designed to help you succeed with your company over the long-term, not just to earn a few good cheques in the first few months. A training system should help you develop KNOWLEDGE and SKILLS , and also to become COMPETENT and CONFIDENT . This is what creates SUCCESS .

An effective and comprehensive network marketing training system should be able to be learnt by anyone with drive and commitment; and then to be able to applied initially through practice and then by action (business growth) and finally duplicated within your growing organisation.

A good training system creates success because it ensures:

  • Simplicity (simple to follow, simple to learn and simple to do)
  • Clarity (everyone knows what they are doing)
  • Duplication (everyone is doing the same thing)

An effective and comprehensive training system will also assist you to learn step-by-step how to start building your customer base, how to sponsor associates and how to support your customers and associates.

A comprehensive training system may typically include:

    1. Developing your business plan/marketing plan based on action steps

    2. How to answer questions and handle objections

    3. Goal Setting , Motivation and Accountability

    4. Product and Company Story Training

    5. Building a team and Leadership Training

    6. Pay/Compensation Plan Training "Presenting it to others"

    7. Business Presentation & Product/Service Presentation skills

    8. Marketing Basics & using your company's marketing tools and resources

    9. Running your business as a business (include basic tips for running a NM/Home-based Business, Insurances and on taxation issues etc)

    10. Role playing and Training Scripts

As a new Associate without experience, it is very hard to understand what you need to do to build a Network Marketing business, especially if you do not have any previous experience in this particular type of marketing business. What you need most of all is clarity. This system gives you a clear road map showing you exactly what you need to do, how to do it and in what order.

Firstly, you will need to develop skills. You should look for a network marketing training system that provides a skills development program. Secondly, you will need to apply those skills to increase your competence and confidence this can be done through the practice of role-plays experienced leaders and other team members. Thirdly, you need to look to get results and this is achieved through you applying the skills, knowledge and practice learnt in your training program.

"Training is such a vital part of preparation for a game; you really do train to play"
- Graeme Le Saux (Champion Footballer)

This stage of taking action to build your business should correspond with the business and marketing plan that you have developed with your sponsor/upline business coach . Along the way, you should look to work closely with your sponsor/coach to ensure you are making progress toward your evolving goals that are the underlying reason for being in business.

The objective of any system is to facilitate your development to become a leader within your organisation. By then you are achieving consistent results and helping your team to duplicate the system effectively. This is one of the key aspects that I consider when looking at Network Marketing Training Systems; is this training simple, clear and is it able to duplicated by anyone with drive and commitment.

Naturally, your success with any training program will depend on how willing you are to follow and apply the system. A training system should embody a culture is based on people helping people, providing first class care and service to our customers and high quality coaching and support to all team members. This way everyone has an equal opportunity to enjoy great results and the success they want.

A simple checklist to look for in a good training system:

  • Training must be able to duplicated and involve mentoring or training by a successful upline leader.
  • Should include an initial and on-going training program from the network marketing company; an organisation or team-based approach to training is a bonus.
  • Before you go out into the field a training program should have helped you to develop skills in handling objections, developing a customer base, basic knowledge on your company's products/services (remember soldiers are trained on a firing range for hours on end before they are sent to the frontline).
  • Training should be easily able to be duplicated within your growing organisation.

As with franchising the more comprehensive and practical the training program this usually correlates to success as a business operator. Your Network marketing training is the foundation on which your success in building a large organisation (and long-term residual income) is built. So invest time and effort wisely in evaluating what materials will be used to build this foundation.

Author's Bio: 

Troy Rocavert is chairman and CEO of Network Marketing Business School , a company specializing in the training and development of individuals and network marketing companies.

Born and raised on a farm in outback Australia, Troy from a young age learnt how to overcome adversity and has since developed a passion to help individuals and businesses achieve their goals and commit to their action plans to achieve success.

Prior to founding his company, Troy had a successful career in project engineering management. During his engineering career he started his own network marketing business and soon found that he was a born trainer becoming one of industries most recognized entrepreneurs, training thousands of people in the network marketing industry each month. Troy’s successful experience and knowledge make him one of the most sought after advisors, speakers, trainers and creators of content in the network marketing industry. Be sure to check out his Blog .