Have you ever contemplated the question: " who am I, why I am here, what is the purpose of my life?"...

Most of us did at one time or another. The answers you got from " self talk " were not satsfying, there`s something more which you could not put your finger on. Where is the answere then?

I, and many others have discovered that hypnosis is a great tool for exploring these, and many more deep life questions. So, what is Past Life Recall(regression)?

It is a forgotten memories prob accesed through hypnosis . Hypnosis is a state of focus awareness, not a sleeping state. It is like a deep guided meditation. hypnosis is unlike regular psycho-therapy that explores present life memories and their respective ego relationship; thus treatments become long and expensive.

In Past Life recall the ego takes a " back Seat". It will not come up with excuses or defenses, nor be involved in the healing process. Past Life Recall only lasts a fraction of the time and money that traditional Psycho-therapy requires.

Why would you want to go through this process, what are the benefits? Past Life Recall can reveal to you: - Current life purposes - The choices for important relationships - The root causes of Guilt, Fear, Phobias, Anxiety , Trauma, and Anger - The causes of physical chalenges - Past lives treatments and skills you can tap - Your life lessons when you are between lives - The death experience - How to meet spirit guides, and loved ones who past over - Understanding incarnation, and karma - How to plan a better, happier and more successful future Past Life recall is the Tour-De-Force that uncovers blockages, and sheds light of understanding in many areas of life while dissolving their painful and damaging energies.

Most of the time we are not aware that fragments of our soul are held back by these blockages. They result from memories of powerful events and traumas in past lives which will surface in order to seek resolution.

To illustrate this, just imagine white light rays streaming softly through the branches and leaves of a tree. They symbolize the subtle messages that are sent to us from the subconscious mind or the from our soul.

Now imagine two rows of trees, and a path between them. The trees are more dense at the begining, and the path between them starts with dark shadows. Walking along the path the trees become more sparse allowing more light to reach the ground. As we let more light into our life the path becomes lighter, we are more aware of who we are, and the road ahead is filled with light.

You might experience Deja-Vu, you feel that you know someone even you have never met before, had a bad recurring dream, unexplained or groundless fear, a paralizing phobia,or a physical challenge. These experiences may be messages from past life suppressed memories.

By going back to the source of these events the skilled hypnotist will facilitate the recognition and understanding of the root causes of the problems in the psycho-spiritual makeup of the individual.

The Past Life Recall process is conducted in an atmospher of compassion, understanding, nurturing and safety. After consulting the higher self (of the individual), the subconscious will lead the hypnotist to the most important times and places in the past which are the most beneficial to the hypnotized individual at the moment.

Positive, and nurturing suggestions are implanted in the subconscious mind once negative energies and bockages are released.

Although the hypnotized person will remember all that transpired, a recorded tape of these suggestions is usually being provided for repeated reinforcement. Should paifull past life experiences are being recalled, the hypnotist could suggest, under hypnosis a different, more pleasent scenario which the subconscious will accept as an actual memory.

As a result of the Past Life recall process the individual will now proceed in a positive direction towards achieving life goals and purposes in more meaningful ways.

Raphael Wettenstein Master Certified Hypnotist


Author's Bio: 

R. Wettenstein is a Certified Master Hypnotist.He is a life long researcher of metaphysics, natural healing, and of the spiritual side of life.

His quest to understand life`s secrets lead him to explore hypnosis as means to communicate with our veiled subconscious mind, as well as with other dimensions of existence.

In his over sixteen years of practice, R. Wettenstein has solved many life themes of people from all walks of life.

His knowledge, professional skills, experience, compassion in the Past Life Recall sessions has helped numerous individuals in understanding their life purpose and goals, resolving relationship

frictions, letting go of damaging behavior, strengthening skills, aquiring new and positive look on life, and more.

R. Wettenstein brings to hypnosis an eclectic array of psycho-spiritual understanding blended with a window to cutting edge science, and holistic medicine.


National Guild of Hypnotists American Hypnosis Clinic, Inc


American Institute Of Hypnotherapy The Hypnosis Institute The Network for Alternative & Intuitive Therapies Integrated Energy Therapy