It is important to recognize the signs of anorexia, because it is a common eating disorder that can be fatal if not treated. Anorexia, also known as anorexia nervosa, is an eating disorder in which one restricts food intake. People with anorexia do not eat enough calories to support normal body functioning. Over time, their bodies will begin to shut down.

People with anorexia often believe they are overweight, even when they are severely underweight. Many believe our media contributes to this problem, because it places such emphasis on being thin and equates thinness with beauty .

There are other reasons people may develop anorexia. Some studies suggest there is a correlation between eating disorders and a history of childhood abuse . Eating disorders may also run in the family .

Complications of anorexia nervosa

Anorexia nervosa causes a number of physical problems, including:

· A weakened heart muscle, low pulse, low blood pressure, and increased risk of heart failure
· Low levels of potassium, magnesium, and sodium in the body
· Anemia
· Dehydration
· Malnutrition
· Hormonal imbalances, leading to lack of menstrual period in women
· Weak muscles and fatigue
· Dizziness or fainting
· Kidney problems
· Gastro-intestinal problems, such as constipation, stomach pain, and ulcers
· Osteoporosis (brittle bones that break easily)
· Multiple organ failure
· If untreated, anorexia can result in death

Anorexia causes mental and emotional problems, as well. It can lead to depression, mood swings, anxiety, low self-esteem , and feelings of self-consciousness about appearance and eating habits . People with anorexia nervosa often avoid social activities due to fatigue and self-consciousness and embarrassment about these things.

Signs of anorexia

The main signs of anorexia include:

· Eating very little
· Exercising obsessively
· Severe weight loss
· Being obsessed with weight and appearance

Other signs of anorexia may include:

· Depression or moodiness· Fatigue or lethargy
· Withdrawal from social situations

While things like depression and moodiness may be signs of anorexia, it is important to understand that they may also be factors that contribute to the cause of anorexia. Sometimes it can be hard to tell which came first, the depression or the eating disorder . They can feed into one another.

It is important to seek treatment as soon as the signs of anorexia are recognized, because this is a serious illness that can result in death if it is not treated. In fact, 10% of all people diagnosed with anorexia die from the condition.


Because the health problems caused by anorexia nervosa are so severe, it is important to get medical treatment if you or someone you know has signs of anorexia. Treatment for anorexia takes a long time. Hospitalization is often required at the start of treatment.Both medical and psychological treatment is generally needed for a full recovery.

Medical treatment will address the physical conditions caused by anorexia. It will treat any heart conditions, chemical imbalances, or other health problems. In severe cases, a patient may need to be fed through a tube until they are able to begin eating on their own again.

A registered dietician will help with a healthy eating plan. Realistic goals will be set for the patient to begin regaining weight. The patient will be educated about their condition and the importance of eating properly and maintaining a healthy weight.

Psychological treatment for anorexia nervosa will assist the patient in dealing with the issues that led to the development of anorexia and will help him or her develop new coping skills. Psychological treatment is very important and without it, medical treatment is unlikely to be successful.

Author's Bio: 

This article was written by Scott Mogul, editor for . This website is dedicated to raising awareness and providing information on Eating Disorders .