Jewel of the Month: Labradorite
Labradorite is feldspar that obtains its iridescent colors from a fine laminate structure that bends incoming light. Labradorite represents the “temple of the stars”. It assists us in sustaining and maintaining, while providing the understanding of the destiny one has chosen in this lifetime. Labradorite vibrates with the 6th (brow) chakra which assists us to transform our intuition into intellectual thought which can then be implemented into our lives. It clearly shows us our goals and intentions so that we can see their real shape. Labradorite stimulates our imagination bringing us to a place of introverted contemplation. It reminds us that magic is at work in our lives and that great mystery is about to open before us, a wonderful present and future that is about to be revealed. Labradorite helps us to look at the paths and the choices before us.
Jewel of Life:
Well, here we are again, the beginning of the new calendar year and in the science of numerology
, this year, 2008, is a “1” year which represents new beginnings or the beginning year of a nine year cycle. Resolutions are on the minds of many. I believe that it is very important to set goals and resolve to make changes at the beginning of the year and set our course for the coming months. Another valuable tool to incorporate at the beginning of the year is to give the year a theme. A theme allows you to set your intention for the coming year and holds the space to achieve your goals. Some examples would be Embracing Change, Living with Heart, Light the Fire Within, or Sharing and Caring. Here are some key questions to ask yourself and tips to help you create your theme:
• Who do I want to be in 2008?
• What do I want 2008 to be for me?
• What inspires me?
• What energizes me?
• What lights my inner fire?
• What goals and dreams
am I currently manifesting?
• Keep your theme short; three to five words will work best.
• Feel the phrase; use words that bring up an emotional response in you.
• Think of words that describe where you are at and where you want to go.
• What words support you or inspire you?
• Let the theme come from deep inside, from your universal connection.
• Have fun with it, get creative and feel the magic of a new beginning.
Write your theme down and post it somewhere that is visible daily. You could also draw or paint a symbol or picture that represents your theme and post it. Verbally repeat your theme often. By writing or drawing it, saying it aloud and posting it where you can visually see it daily, you will fully integrate your theme into your life.
“And now let us welcome the New Year full of things that have never been.” –Rainer Maria Rilke
©2007 Annette Pieper is a Harmonic Life Specialist, highly sought after motivational speaker, personal coach and mentor and CEO of Harmonic Life Institute, a company offering private and group consultations, webinars, workshops, seminars and educational material to inform and inspire you to create harmony in mind, body, heart and soul. Sign up to receive her Jewels of Life Ezine and get your free tips on starting your day with joy and harmony at
Annette PieperEmbrace the Power of Possibilities