You needn't look far for information on PTSD. The question Lori Olson of Update Small Business asks is this: are you really getting the full story? And if the mainstream media provides any clues, the answer is no. The average person may hear about the PTSD problem on the news but then it simply goes away; while it is shattering the lives of millions of people on a daily basis.

"I believe that Veteran Families are our unsung heroes" says Lori Olson, founder of Update Small Business. She is passionate about encouraging all citizens to pay respect to our veterans and their families by taking an extra step to be a good neighbor, "It's time we recognized that we all have a part to play in supporting these heroes".

In order to support Veterans and their families, Update Small Business has rendered their hypnosis CDs into a self help podcast that uses guided imagery and metaphors to support veteran families let go of grief, loss, guilt and anger. It follows the conversational hypnosis model of the legendary Dr. Milton Erickson and is now available as a free podcast on

The CD version was distributed to mental health professionals around the country and has gotten thumbs up reviews. The hypnotic conversation that you will hear is designed to speak to the subconscious mind, so there is nothing to do but get comfortable, close your eyes and listen. The more you listen, the more you will benefit.

Why is this needed?

The sad news is that at least 35% of our returning combat troops and their families will have to cope with PTSD. "Are we going to let them handle it alone?" Olson asks.

Studies have shown that families who are more successful in achieving balance are better able to help mitigate the PTSD symptoms for the veteran. Caregivers who achieve balance are less likely to experience the debilitating symptoms of secondary PTSD.

- Research shows that PTSD has negative effects on intimate as well as other family relationships*

- Combat veterans experience a high rate of marital instability - much more severe than veterans without PTSD*

- Vietnam veterans with PTSD are 3 -6 times as likely to divorce as non-PTSD veterans and are three times as likely to experience multiple divorces*

Partners of patients with PTSD show lower overall dissatisfaction with the relationship and are quite distressed. They also show more caregiver burden and poorer psychological adjustment.

Veterans diagnosed with PTSD, compared to those without PTSD, are more likely to be violent with partners and children, with rates as high as 63% for some type of physical violence in the past year.

Partners of Vietnam veterans with PTSD reported markedly reduced satisfaction in their lives and greater demoralization compared to partners of Vietnam veterans not diagnosed with PTSD.

These family members end up shouldering a great and lifelong burden as home and institutional caregivers, giving up or severely restricting their own employment, education and social interactions that are taken for granted in the normal course of life. Furthermore, family caregivers often suffer severe financial and personal hardships as a consequence providing care to a severely disabled veteran. Yet, in their absence an even greater burden of direct care would fall on DoD and VA, at significantly higher financial cost to the government and a reduced quality of life for severely wounded war veterans.

The U.S. government owes its highest obligation to those who are put in harm's way and become severely disabled as a consequence of that service. As a matter of equity and fairness, immediate family members of severely injured combat veterans should be afforded generous relief, assistance and care for the duration of the lives of veterans injured in military service to our nation.

This podcast also greatly benefits caregivers who are coping with the emotional burdens that accompany caring for a loved one with dementia, Alzheimers disease and other traumas. It is simple and can be highly effective when listened to repeatedly.

Author's Bio: 

Update Small Business invites you to participate in supporting our Veterans by telling Veterans, Veteran family members and caregivers about the free podcast. In addition to this Update Small Business offers significant discounts off their extremely competitive pricing to Veteran business entrepreneurs who need to add SEO, SEM, social media optimization, PPC management, CRM, or web development services to their small business resources..

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