When visualizing your desires there are a few tricks that you may or may not be aware of. In this article I am going to introduce you to some basic, older NLP devices that can be incredibly effective.

First if you have never heard of NLP before, it stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. Be sure to do your own research on NLP as there are plenty of free information sites available.

Now let’s move on and I’ll teach you how to apply one simple NLP method to your visualizations. First, think of a good memory that you found enjoyable or exciting. Whilst you’re in the process of recalling that memory, brighten the image in your mind. Pretend that your mind works like a television set and you can adjust the brightness control.

How did you feel? Was the memory becoming more intense?

Now to do the same thing again but this time, dim the brightness. Notice how you feel now.

This time, recall the same memory but instead of adjust brightness, intensify the colors as you see this memory in your mind. Make them vivid, exciting and make them stand out! After a few seconds of doing this, try dulling the colors like we did before with the brightness. Notice how you feel in both extremes.

In most cases, brightening an image or intensifying the colors causes the emotional response to a memory to magnify. When you dim and dull a memory this causes the emotional response to diminish. Many therapists who use NLP teach people to dim their bad memories, turn them black and white, shrink them, and even mute them. This has the effect of removing the connection to the emotions from the memory, and can allow many people to get over traumatic episodes in their lives.

This little exercise has shown us that if we intensify the colors and brightness we can intensify our emotional response regarding the memory or vision. The whole point of visualizing our desires is to create an emotional response which sends clear and strong messages to the universe.

These little NLP tricks will help you to take your visualizations to the next level and magnify your efforts.

Here are a few additional things that you can play around with: try tilting the mental picture forward or backward; zoom in and then out on the picture. Increase the red hue, then the blue hue, then the green hue, and see how coloring your memory with different colors affects your emotional response. Put a frame around your memory. Make it into a two dimensional photo, then back into a three dimensional environment.

Make sure when you’re practicing, you are visualizing three dimensional, moving pictures with sound, as though you are there. Some people forget to include sound in their visualizations. Remember, the more sensory responses you can activate the more vivid and emotional you will become with your visualization.

Have fun with this and play around until you find a perfect combination for increasing your mental imagery.

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