We have all experienced troubled times in our lives, as if there was a black cloud hovering over our days.

Each day you get up thinking, "Perhaps today will be better"

The only real way it will be different is by shifting the mind-sets around the challenging times.

If all you choose to see are the black clouds, how do you expect to see, let alone experience, sunshine?

You have to make a decision that no matter what the day entails, you will find at least one thing that you can feel blessed about.

Within a week you will be discovering all sorts of blessings in your life. Ones you had taken for granted for many years, and new ones that you never even imagined existed.

Before long your list of blessings will be growing to include people, places, things, experiences, etc. As your list grows, you will be growing right along with it.

You will no longer be looking at life through the dark cloud of depression , despair, anger, or resentment. The clouds will be shifting, and rays of sunlight will be beaming through.

Why is it important to count your blessings?

It’s significant because if you don’t see the blessings then you focus on the problem rather than the solutions.

Instead of being hopeful, you become hopeless.

You can become stuck, frustrated, stressed, discouraged, defeated and depleted. How can you possibly shift your energy and situations if you are coming from this space?

When you change your beliefs towards troubled times and open to the blessings, they become opportunities waiting to radiate in your life.

When you see through them, like the sun’s rays through the cloud, you are on your way to brighter days.

When you count your blessings and begin to see the possibilities within the problems, then this is a blessed event.

When your spirit is filled with blessings, they transform your circumstances. They light your way through the darkness and into the light again.

You will be expanding in ways you never thought possible. You will be opening to portals of potential and peace , not problems and pain.

The sun may not always be shining on the outside, but on the inside you’re beaming because you know that dark clouds can roll out as quickly as they rolled in.

When you find life has cast a dark patch your way, look for the rays of blessing. They are always available.

Would you rather count the hardships in life, or the blessings you find within them?

The choice is yours.

A person who feels blessed is someone who finds the blessings in life. How many can you find?

If you don’t already have one, put a journal on your nightstand and each night jot down all the things you feel blessed or grateful for.

Look back from time to time to see how your list grows and changes and how much your life becomes more meaningful because of them.

Blessings are everywhere waiting to be seen; don’t miss them, count them.

Remember, you are one of those blessings.

Remember when you Shine, the world shines brighter because of you!

Author's Bio: 

Kimberley Cohen is the Founder, Facilitator and Personal Insight Coach of The Insight Technique™. She is certified in Body Mind Counselling, Process Oriented Body Work and Spiritual Psychotherapy. She founded the Insight Technique™ - Your Insight to genuine Happiness, Purpose and Prosperity to assist herself and others in uncovering and discovering their brilliance. To question and understand your thinking so you can transform what blocks and limits you from living the life you desire and deserve. Or "living your dreams".