40% - 70% of partners cheat on their spouses, according to a study from the University of Montreal. This makes infidelity the new relationship norm!! Well, 2008 was quite a year for these horndogs! Boy George told the Times of London, "I don’t believe you have to be monogamous, but you have to be respectful.” What would the wives and ex-wives of the guys on this list say about that?

1. Eliot Spitzer , fallen married New York State Governor, caught patronizing the prostitution businesses he prosecuted! He and wife Silda, a Harvard Law graduate, are still married.

2. Kwame Fitzpatrick , fallen married Mayor of Detroit, lied under oath about his affair with a staffer, after 14,000 of their salacious text messages were revealed. He also used Detroit credit cards to purchase strippers for his home. When his wife arrived home unexpectedly, she pummeled one of the working girls. They’re still married.

3. David Patterson , New York State Governor who replaced Eliot Spitzer, volunteered that he, too, had extramarital affairs, excusing them because he was "jealous" of his wife’s affair during their estrangement. They’re still married.

4. Vito Fossella , fallen married New York Congressman, caught driving drunk in Virginia, and living a double life there with a girlfriend and a daughter, while he lived a double life with a wife and 3 kids in New York. BTW, he ran on a “ family values” ticket! He and his wife are still married.

5. Tim Mahoney , fallen married Democratic U.S. Rep. from Florida, and replacement for sex-scandalized Mark Foley, admitted paying a staffer over $100,000 so she wouldn’t sue him for sexual harassment after their affair. His wife filed for divorce .

6. Peter Cook , third ex-husband of supermodel Christie Brinkley, bonked an 18-year-old he hired to be his assistant, and even secretly videotaped their trysts.

7. Mutt Lange , husband of 14 years to Shania Twain, cheated with Shania’s longtime assistant and close ”friend.” They are divorcing.

8. John Edwards cheated on his cancer-stricken wife, Elizabeth, as she campaigned for his bid for U.S. President. His mistress admitted to friends that her baby is his. He and Elizabeth are still married.

9. Henry “Nick” Nicholas III , Broadcom Corporation founder and billionaire, celebrated his 10th anniversary with his wife while workmen secretly built an underground sex palace on their estate to indulge his drug habit and use of prostitutes. His wife has filed for divorce .

10. Ron Wood , wrinkly 61-year-old married Rolling Stones guitarist, fell from the wagon and hooked up with an 18-year-old Russian barmaid. He’s back home with Mrs. Wood now.

Although this is a list of all men, cheating is an equal opportunity sport! Please submit names of famous FEMALE horn dogs of 2008 so we can even the score: DrGilda@DrGilda.com

Author's Bio: 

DR. GILDA CARLE – www.DrGilda.com -- is a relationship expert, media personality, professor, motivational speaker, and author of “How to WIN When Your Mate Cheats” immediately downloadable literary award winner at London Book Festival. She is also Match.com's “Ask Dr. Gilda” columnist published on MSN.com and author of the best selling “Don’t Bet on the Prince!”