Time Management Secret 1 - There is no such thing as time management
Ever found yourself saying, I will, when I find the time or, time got away from me? We'll this is for you. I am going to introduce you to the 7 secrets that will create an extra hour a day for you.
So let's go through the secrets quickly. We will come back to each one over several articles.The seven secrets are:
- There is no such thing as time management !
- Time is for spending.
- Crossing the knowing-to-doing GAP
- Achieving Focus and Effectiveness
- Tapping your Energy
- Don't mistake activity for achievement !
- Ready FIRE aim
OK so let's get in to it.
Step 1 - There's no such thing as time management !
Have you been to a time management course? Read a time management book or an article? And how much of the system you learnt or read about do you use? If you are like most people you will be using less than 5% of what you learnt in your time management course. And it's not that the content was no good (it probably was good, but we will get to that later).
You see there is a key mental block that contributes to the situation here. Time management allows you to think that you really can manage time. But you can't!
Time is! It just is! 24 hours a day. 1400+ minutes every day.
Does this mean all the courses and diary systems are no good? Not at all.
But first there is a mind-shift you need to take.
Time management implies we manage time, BUT time can't be managed! The typical mindset on Time Management is about applying techniques and tips - and you can let these tips or system take responsibility how effectively you are. Blaming your tools is not going to help you be effective.
The key to creating an extra hour a day is changing your mindset to SELF-MANAGEMENT!
What is self-management? Mark Victor Hansen, in the book The One Minute Millionaire , says it is "accepting responsibility and not laying blame." I believe self-management is about acknowledging we are responsible for our lives.
It is your choices that have created your life. Not your boss or your parents or the government or the wrong time management system or anything else. Yes, those things have an impact, but how you choose to see the circumstances, how you choose to interpret and respond is what determines how effective you are and, ultimately, you determines your life situation.
This is scary and exciting at the same time. It can be scary to think about being totally responsible for your life - but this means that you can choose to take control and create what you want in the future.
To create and extra hour a day you need to start by adopting a mindset of self-management where you accept responsibility for your life, totally. Then you can start to see new options and opportunities that will create more time.
Now you can choose to see those 'effectiveness tips and tools' as part of your self-management toolkit and choose what will work for you.
Time Management Secret 1 -- Time management is really self management.
Actions: In the next 24 hours.
- Reflect on when you might have blamed others/circumstances in the last week & look for how you contributed to the situation
- Clarify your goals and values. Are you really clear about what they are and why you want them?
Remember to check out the rest of the seven secrets articles.
Michael Erwin is an internationally certified coach who specializes in Time Creation . He has created the unique Time Management for the 21st Century system. Get the FREE version here. He has collected the most effective time management resources, including time management videos and made them available to FREE at http://www.time-management-central.net
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Michael Erwin, the Official Guide to Time Management