It is interesting, that with so many people embracing the network marketing industry that there are still people that look down at it. While it may be true that some people have acted unethically, the reality is that most people who have built a successful network marketing business, have done so through consistent effort, integrity and great products.

So how did this business get a reputation that is so negative? Why do some people think that it's just about using your friends and family to make money? Why do people think it is illegal, and why do they think it is a scheme? I believe that many of these mis-conceptions are because most people don't understand what network marketing truly is.

If done correctly, network marketing is a viable way to create wealth that is truly residual. It is a brilliant business model that begins on a level playing field, and rewards people for their efforts. It is my intention to help you understand what network marketing really is, why the business model is brilliant, and how to make it work for you.

Network marketing is simply a way of moving goods and services from the manufacturer to the consumer. Period. Nothing more. The people who become consultants for any particular company distribute these products through word of mouth advertising, sometimes referred to as " networking ", and are paid a commission to do so. Network marketing is also a way companies market and distribute their products to consumers without all the added expenses of advertising, warehousing and retailing that other products carry. Typically you get a higher quality product at a great value that is delivered to your home at your convenience.

Besides the products, this particular business model is attractive to many new and seasoned entrepreneurs . The low startup costs, simple ways to market products and the potential for large returns and residual income, make it appealing to everyone. Understand that Network marketing is a business that takes effort, consistency and commitment, just like any other business venture. If you are looking for a get rich quick scheme, look somewhere else. The people who make residual incomes are the individuals who consistently introduce their products to others, and create win-win situations each and every day.

The process of network marketing is simply:

1. Introduce other people to your company's product or service.

2. Determine if your product fits a need they have.

3. Show them how to buy.

4. Get paid a commission each time they purchase.

Now, here is the beautiful part, and what many leading experts say is the key to the magic of why companies choose to distribute their products through network marketing. Not only is the company looking for consultants to introduce their products to new people, they also look to their consultants to help increase their sales force. The more people introducing their products, the more sales right? It just makes sense. And where do you find these people, the same way you find new customers. You meet them through your current sales force of course! That's networking at its finest!

Each company rewards their consultants differently, but they all pay commissions to their consultants for bringing on people who are willing to introduce their products to others. Instead of paying for advertising, warehousing and distributing, the company pays it's consultants to do just that. You see it is a win win situation for both the company and the business associate.

On a side note, and a word to the wise, make sure that you do your due diligence when selecting the company to be involved with. It is important to make sure that they have a proven track record, quality products and an ethical compensation plan. As you can see network marketing is just a different way to do business. It rewards people for helping a company get its products and services known and distributed. It is a viable business opportunity for the person who has limited startup capital and it's a business with unlimited potential that doesn't have to take over your life.

Are you a person who when they like a product tells everyone about it? Are you someone who looks for ways to help others? Are you looking to scratch that entrepreneurial itch? Then this type of business may be just what you are looking for! But remember, it isn't the golden ticket; you'll have to work to find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but know that it is truly there for the taking!

Author's Bio: 

Judy Davis a.k.a "The Direction Diva" is an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, published author and business owner. Her laid back, personal style incorporates humor and real life experience into everything that she does, while creating an atmosphere of trust and sincerity that people embrace.

To help decide if network marketing is for you, don't miss out on Judy's NEW PROSPECTING TOOL - One Way Out: The Promise of Network Marketing (The must read book BEFORE you say yes) available at .