The Truth About Anger.

Ever wonder what anger is really all about? Ever wonder why it is that some people just get under your skin? Ever wonder why you seem to have the shortest fuse with those people you love the most?

Well ¡KI have pondered all of these questions. Yes, sometimes because of my own ¡§fits¡¨ of being less than I want to be. And sometimes because of a strong unexpected blast of someone¡¦s anger directed at me¡Kanger so strong if you could harness it in energy it would light up all of New York for a month!!

I don¡¦t claim to be an expert in the study of anger but I AM an expert of self examination and am constantly seeking to grow as an individual. This is what I have found over and over again:

If I am truly honest with myself, every anger symptom I have experienced since beginning my self examination journey is rooted in ¡K.yep, you guessed it¡K ME.

NOT my boss, not my spouse, not the weather, not my mother, not my brother, not my lawyer, (yes I know that ones hard to believe!!! ƒº )¡Ksomewhere DEEP inside the anger is MINE. The catalyst is just that¡K.a stimulus, acting just like the bell in the Pavlov dog test.

The GOOD news in anger is this¡Konce you realize this, once you TRULY own up to this; anger can be the catalyst for healing. It can bring you to a deeper awareness of yourself which then paves the way for you to make choices and changes if you desire. In a nutshell it can be the door to your freedom.

Oh GREAT!! Debbie¡Know you want us to not only experience anger when we get passed over for career promotion, but you want me to glad about it?!! NO WAY!!

You don¡¦t have to be glad about it ¡Kin fact you can read this article, click on over to your next topic of interest and never give it another thought. No skin off my back. Or¡Kyou can ask yourself this:

Do I wish to learn how to extinguish most all of the anger in my life?

In my next article...I will talk about some steps that I have used and still use to dissolve anger when it arises so that I can live a lighter, happier and more peaceful life.

Author's Bio: 

Hi, Everyone! My name is Deborah Morgan. Welcome and may your leave feeling a little better than when you arrived!

George Bernard Shaw, the Irish playwright said "Life isn't about finding yourself - Life is about creating yourself" You can create the life of your dreams IF you have the tools and do the work. What the mind can conceive - it can achieve (Earl Nightengale)

I work for Eric Lofholm of Eric Lofholm, International. Eric is a mentor of mine and one of the Nation's Top Sales Trainers. Eric was the Trainer of the sales trainers for Tony Robbins before starting his own company.I, H.O.P.E. in Life, Help Others Passionately embrace their dreams, recongnize their unique assests and gift and use these to Excell in their career and in life.