Author Fern Stewart Welch's latest book, "You Can Live A Balanced Life In An Unbalanced World!" couldn't have come at a more opportune time. In this increasingly unbalanced and disconnected world, Fern shares insights and practical guidance in a handbook that will assist experienced seekers as well as novices learn to love healthfully, fulfill their potential and create rich, rewarding and purposeful lives.

For nearly two years, Fern has posted a weekly blog essay at and notes, "The many viewers who discovered the site confirmed my belief that people are hungry for positive, helpful and hopeful information concerning their daily lives, as well as global issues dealing with the future of life on Earth."

Fern decided to publish a selection of the essays to reach out to as many people as possible during this challenging time. This how-to handbook, "You Can Live A Balanced Life In An Unbalanced World!" is a collection of 66 finely crafted and easy-to-read essays on basic issues that confront every single one of us every day of our lives, including health, prosperity and relationships.

The essays include: How to Live a Rich, Rewarding, Joyful, Purposeful Life; Achieving Inner Happiness is Life's Highest Gift; Creating a New Road Map to Health; The Importance of Keeping a "Soft" Heart; Living Simply and Treading Lightly on the Earth; and An Ode to a Tomato: What Nature Can Teach Us.

Irene Hunter, the author of "The Miracle of Being the Real You," says "This book reveals the simplicity of taking control of who you are and moving from victimhood to victorious. It's about accepting the gift of life and through our choice of words and thoughts changing the negative to the positive, the problem to the answer and the darkness to light."

According to Fern, a veteran writer whose career spans 40 years, she discovered her true "writing voice" through the spiritual experiences she had while assisting her husband through his lengthy decline and subsequent death in 2002.

Since that time, her single life passion has been to write about what she has learned from a lifetime of lessons to help others create better lives for themselves and their loved ones.

Currently Fern is a contributing editor for One Planet Magazine, posts blog essays at and is nearing completion of her next book. She was formerly the editorial director of PHOENIX Magazine, and a freelance international travel correspondent for The Los Angeles Times.

"You Can Live A Balanced Life In An Unbalanced World," published by InsightsOut Books , is available from, other online booksellers, bookstore chains such as Barnes & Noble, and to the trade from Ingram Book Co., Baker & Taylor and other wholesalers.

What people are saying about "You Can Live A Balanced Life In An Unbalanced World!"

"This book reveals the simplicity of taking charge of who you are and moving from victimhood to victorious. It is about accepting the gift of life and through the choice of our words and thoughts changing the negative to the positive, the problem to the answer and the darkness to the light. Fern Stewart Welch takes us through life conditions from birth to death . She teaches us how to master our reality now, this very moment. I love this book." -- Irene Hunter, author of "The Miracle of Being the Real You" and teacher of The Real You Seminars

"Fern expertly crafts a work of substance and heart to lift our spirits, steady our feet and guide us safely back to center. "You Can Live A Balanced Life In An Unbalanced World!" is a wonderful guide for anyone who is seeking a path to happiness and balance. The wisdom she shares is pure and resolute." -- Laura Alden Kamm, author of "Intuitive Wellness ."

"In Fern Stewart Welch's insightful new book, she takes slices of everyday life, ponders deeply, and then shares her revelations. She encourages us to choose to see that the happiness we all seek already exists. This is one of those books to randomly open and let the message of the day reveal itself, or to choose a subject, read the author's thoughts and allow her to inspire new insights in us." -- Rev. Merilyn Chilleen

"In this profound new book from Fern Stewart Welch, you will learn powerful, practical and sound advice for coping with, and growing through basic life issues." -Karen Russo, award-winning author, "The Money Keys: Unlocking Peace, Freedom and Real Financial Power." --

"As Fern Stewart Welch opens her heart to divine guidance, she brings us the insights and practical wisdom that helps us bring balance into our lives during these troubled times." -- Gladys T. McGarey, M.D., M.D. [H, author of "The Physician Within You," "Born to Live" and the soon-to-be released "Living Medicine."

"I recommend this book highly to anyone who is troubled by the quality of their life, and would like to gain control and change it for the better." -- Boyé Lafayette De Mente, author of 50 books on the language and cultures of Japan, China, Korea and Mexico.

"You Can Live A Balanced Life In An Unbalanced World" is a do-it-yourself book that delivers practical advice for the novice and experienced seeker alike. It brings to light the how of finding and maintaining equilibrium in our fast-paced global lifestyle." -- Joni Chanko, Artist

"Throughout the ages, we have been gifted with those rare souls who are able to provide a blueprint for making us better and in so doing creating a better world. Through this book, Fern Stewart Welch joins this revered choir of sages." -- Rose Winters, Film Producer

"I work with disadvantaged teens who would benefit greatly from reading this book, as would anyone who is seeking to live a meaningful life." -- Diana Schmidt, Educator

Books by Fern Stewart Welch/Bio Information:
Welch conceived, directed and served as executive editor of "Tea With Elisabeth," featuring personal profiles of the late international death-and-dying icon Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross by 51 bestselling authors, well-known colleagues, family members and friends. The U.S. edition will be released in early 2009 by Florida-based Quality of Life Publishing Company. German and Japanese editions are already in print.

"The Heart Knows the Way - How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within," was published in 2006 by Phoenix Books / Publishers, followed by a second edition in 2008 from InsightsOut Books. This book is an intimate and revealing account of Welch's spiritual journey during the lengthy decline and death of her husband, Kenneth A. Welch, the founding publisher and owner of PHOENIX Magazine.

Author's Bio: 

What people are saying about "You Can Live A Balanced Life In An Unbalanced World!"

"This book reveals the simplicity of taking charge of who you are and moving from victimhood to victorious. It is about accepting the gift of life and through the choice of our words and thoughts changing the negative to the positive, the problem to the answer and the darkness to the light. Fern Stewart Welch takes us through life conditions from birth to death. She teaches us how to master our reality now, this very moment. I love this book." -- Irene Hunter, author of "The Miracle of Being the Real You" and teacher of The Real You Seminars

"Fern expertly crafts a work of substance and heart to lift our spirits, steady our feet and guide us safely back to center. "You Can Live A Balanced Life In An Unbalanced World!" is a wonderful guide for anyone who is seeking a path to happiness and balance. The wisdom she shares is pure and resolute." -- Laura Alden Kamm, author of "Intuitive Wellness."

"In Fern Stewart Welch's insightful new book, she takes slices of everyday life, ponders deeply, and then shares her revelations. She encourages us to choose to see that the happiness we all seek already exists. This is one of those books to randomly open and let the message of the day reveal itself, or to choose a subject, read the author's thoughts and allow her to inspire new insights in us." -- Rev. Merilyn Chilleen

"In this profound new book from Fern Stewart Welch, you will learn powerful, practical and sound advice for coping with, and growing through basic life issues." -Karen Russo, award-winning author, "The Money Keys: Unlocking Peace, Freedom and Real Financial Power." --

"As Fern Stewart Welch opens her heart to divine guidance, she brings us the insights and practical wisdom that helps us bring balance into our lives during these troubled times." -- Gladys T. McGarey, M.D., M.D. [H, author of "The Physician Within You," "Born to Live" and the soon-to-be released "Living Medicine."

"I recommend this book highly to anyone who is troubled by the quality of their life, and would like to gain control and change it for the better." -- Boyé Lafayette De Mente, author of 50 books on the language and cultures of Japan, China, Korea and Mexico.

"You Can Live A Balanced Life In An Unbalanced World" is a do-it-yourself book that delivers practical advice for the novice and experienced seeker alike. It brings to light the how of finding and maintaining equilibrium in our fast-paced global lifestyle." -- Joni Chanko, Artist

"Throughout the ages, we have been gifted with those rare souls who are able to provide a blueprint for making us better and in so doing creating a better world. Through this book, Fern Stewart Welch joins this revered choir of sages." -- Rose Winters, Film Producer

"I work with disadvantaged teens who would benefit greatly from reading this book, as would anyone who is seeking to live a meaningful life." -- Diana Schmidt, Educator

Books by Fern Stewart Welch/Bio Information:Welch conceived, directed and served as executive editor of "Tea With Elisabeth," featuring personal profiles of the late international death-and-dying icon Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross by 51 bestselling authors, well-known colleagues, family members and friends. The U.S. edition will be released in early 2009 by Florida-based Quality of Life Publishing Company. German and Japanese editions are already in print.

"The Heart Knows the Way - How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within," was published in 2006 by Phoenix Books / Publishers, followed by a second edition in 2008 from InsightsOut Books. This book is an intimate and revealing account of Welch's spiritual journey during the lengthy decline and death of her husband, Kenneth A. Welch, the founding publisher and owner of PHOENIX Magazine.