Here is a little list for you to think about when working with the law of attraction . Use this list to make sure you are on track with where you need to be in order to attract and create what you want in your life.

1. Do you have a vision board? Do you have a wall, a poster board, a notebook, ...Here is a little list for you to think about when working with the law of attraction . Use this list to make sure you are on track with where you need to be in order to attract and create what you want in your life.

1. Do you have a vision board? Do you have a wall, a poster board, a notebook, something where you have pictures of what you want to have, do, or be? If you don't, then you need to get one. This is a huge help when it comes to reminding yourself about those things you want and it helps you visualize better.

2. Do you sit and visualize at least ten to fifteen minutes every single day? If you aren't taking the time each day to visualize then shame on you. You can't have what you want if you won't take the steps necessary to get it.

3. Are you letting go? Do you hang onto anger, sadness, sorrow, or any other negative emotion or experience? It's important that you learn to let go of negative emotions and experiences as easily and as quickly as possible. The more you hang onto them, the more you attract those types of situations and experiences to yourself. Let go, and open up.

4. Are you allowing yourself to receive? Are you paying attention to opportunities and situations in your life that appear to be coincidence and do you take action on them or do you simply brush them off as though they are nothing? You have to walk through life with your eyes wide open and be prepared to change course and move in a new direction at a moments notice. The universe will present opportunities to have what it is you want to have and then close the window again in a moments notice. You must be paying attention and you must be prepared to act.

5. Are you simply wishing for what you want? You have to do more than be ready, visualize, and stay positive. You must take action. You cannot get to California by simply visualizing it. At some point you have to get in the car, you have to fill up with gas, and you have to start driving. As soon as you are inspired to take action, or something comes along that suggests that you should take action, do so immediately. Don't even wait long enough to process what is going on, simply act. You wouldn't try to figure out how you tripped while you were falling to the ground before you tried to save yourself. You simply catch with your hands or tuck and roll. The same is true with life and the law of attraction .

6. Have you cleared away your emotional addictions in order to allow yourself to open up? Each of us is driven by emotional addictions. Some of us the emotion is anger, others it's love, still others it's the addiction of being needed. We must clear these addictions away in order to replace them with emotions that will serve us and those things we want to have, do, and be.

7. Do your thoughts, words, and deeds line up with what you want? If you wish to have a million dollars but think about how great it would be to go from $10 an hour to $11 an hour, your thinking is not in the right place. If you talk about going to the Bahama's........someday, you are not speaking the right way. If you are wanting to build a new garage in your back yard but are sitting on the couch watching television, your actions are not any where near what they need to be. Everything you think about, visualize about, talk about, and do must all be completely, 100% in alignment with what you want. If not, you will never have it.

8. Do you believe you will have what you want? This is the final part of the checklist and one of the most important parts of the entire law of attraction. Those people who got everything they wanted in their lives never, ever believed they would have it. They knew they would. There was never even a moment of hesitation or doubt. There was no if, or maybe, or when. They had it already in their mind, and they knew it was completely theirs and in their possession. There is no room for doubt or questioning, you must know with every single speck of energy in your being.

Here is the list. Check it over and make sure that you are always, always, always following these basic concepts and parts of the list. Of course there is more to getting the quickest results with the law of attraction, but these are a great place to start. Good luck, and may all your dreams become a reality you can touch.

Author's Bio: 

Dwayne Gilbert is the founder of and the Wealthy Life Secrets Program. He has been helping people to Unleash Their Potential for over 10 years. He has helped people from all walks of life to get on a better path and to create the life of their dreams. To learn more about the law of attraction and how to create the life of your dreams, visit