1. Now is the time to be honest with yourself and others.
If you're trying to revitalize yourself and jump-start your life, you have to be 100%, no-bull, straight-up honest about what is and what is not working in your life.
Self-deception is like driving around in circles... you’ll be ... 1. Now is the time to be honest with yourself and others.
If you're trying to revitalize yourself and jump-start your life, you have to be 100%, no-bull, straight-up honest about what is and what is not working in your life.
Self-deception is like driving around in circles... you’ll be moving, alright, but you won’t be getting anywhere.
2. The only person you can change is yourself.
It's impossible to change others, so don't waste time trying. Instead, focus on the changes you want to make. Focus on your goals…
Others will either follow your lead... or they won't.
3. The changes you'll make successfully will be the changes you want to make.
You won't jump-start your life by making a change someone else is forcing on you. So, again, focus on what you desire.
Follow in another's footsteps if it will help. If not, create a new path of your own.
4. Raise your standards and your boundaries.
It's much easier to make progress towards your goals when you have clearly defined standards and boundaries.
With those in place, you can pursue changes and goals with more confidence, since you have less to worry about.
5. If you're going to jump, make it a BIG jump!
Take a leap of faith -- in yourself. Make this change -- this "charge" -- you use to jump-start yourself, a big one.
Take bold action !
Reap big rewards.
6. Focus on what can be done.
People who spend their time looking for reasons why things can't work are the ones who don't get any work done.
The smallest, tiniest step in the right direction is still a step in the right direction, so take those steps you can and ignore the rest.
7. Take action, don't just talk about it.
As I’m using it, "jump-start" is a verb. It implies motion, movement -- action .
It's incredibly easy to start talking about all the things we "could," "might," or "would like" to do -- and then never get around to doing them.
The solution?
Stop talking and start doing.
8. Road blocks mean you're on the wrong path -- not the wrong journey.
You might need to adjust your plan, adopt a new strategy, or make some other change, but don't quit. You'll only get your goal if you keep going.
9. Whatever happens, enjoy the scenery.
Whether the road is bumpy or smooth, remember, you are living your life! Don't get so goal-oriented that you forget to enjoy the journey from point A to point B.
10. The end is just the beginning.
Once you've done it -- once you've jump-started your life -- you'll be back where you started. That is, you’ll be back to a place where you’ll want to move on to the next big thing…
Before you do, keep in mind that you’ll need to recharge your batteries before you make another big change or take on another big challenge. Instead of dreading it, embrace it.
After all, that's life!
Jim M. Allen, The Big Life Guy™ is a professional life & business coach who works with individuals just like you, helping them live bigger, braver, bolder lives! Get more ideas for your life by subscribing to his free weekly newsletter .
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