I was talking with a friend who told me that he had spent his entire life either living in the past or the future. He lived in the past in resentments to what had happened to him or was in the future thinking about how he could avoid the pains of the past from reoccurring.

Our mind can do some of the most amazing things to make sure we stay in the fears and traumas of our life. Like my friend who had been overwhelmed and intimidated by his father as a child the only safe place that he could exist were in the confines of his intellect. The more expanded and sensitive sides of himself contracted as a way to not feel the fears of the potential abuses of his childhood. He lost an awareness of himself that disconnected him from orientating himself to living life in a present state of mind.

The necessary component to living in a state of being present in each moment is staying present with what is occurring with your body. Staying aware of the sensations of our body keep is in the present as well as a mass of information that the body is absorbing at all times.

My friend found that staying in the confines of his mind protected him from feeling the anxiety and fears that were around him in his childhood. Thus he began to stop feeling the sensations of his body to a larger degree.

These memories are not only indelible in our mind but also recorded in our body memory. In other words the experiences of stress are still in our gut, heart, solar plexus and other places in our body. As children we begin the process of numbing ourselves by pushing these energetic pains deep down inside of us. Soon we become less aware of what our body is and its intuitive abilities. With the loss of our self in our body we lose the ability of staying in the present. Our body is the grounding force that helps us maintain presence in the now.

I have found that the process of reliving these old memories or more importantly, feeling the sensations of the energies begins the process of letting them go. In their essence these old recording are energies that we had judged as bad and tried to avoid or defend ourselves against them. That is how they get stuck in us.

If we feel them, be present with our energetic pasts we begin the process of letting them go. Often just being present with the energy lets much of it release. I have found using the tools of Access Energy Transformation lets the old energies go in a faster and more dynamic way. The component of energetic healing speeds up this process, there are other modalities out there that do it similar ways. I like Access Energy Transformation .

As the energetic limitations are confronted and released the immediate sensation is that we feel an energy released. A burden let go of. Next we react differently to situations in our life. For example if you were working on anger at your father, you would not have the same reaction to your father or father figures in your life.

Author's Bio: 

Bart Sharp is a Access Learning Facilitator who resides in South Austin. Bart has been working as a Facilitator with hundreds of people facilitating more consciousness in their lives and has witnessed the magnificent changes that they experience in their day to day living.

Bart says, “One of the greatest assets that Access has given to me is to change anything in my life permanently. In the six years that I have practiced Access all of my life has improved whether that be in areas of financial, health, sexual, awareness, work or other. All of those areas are just the result of what more consciousness in my life has created. Access has been this wonderful tool that I can use to change any limitation that I have perceived in my life. As a result of my continual approach to self-exploration it has allowed me to perceive deeply into other people’s limitations and be able to facilitate a more infinite awareness of their lives”.

Bart spends his leisure time in creating such as: doing art, writing, being in nature or spending time with his sweetheart Deva. You can contact Bart at 512 809 6807, bartsharp.com or heartofturtle@earthlink.net