"When I'm trusting and being myself... everything in my life reflects this by falling into place easily, often miraculously." -Shakti Gawain

According to Sherry Buffington, co-developer of the CORE Multidimensional Personality Profile and the author of the book, “The Law of Abundance ”, there are 5 Essential Factors in the Formula for Success:

• A Clear Awareness of Your True Nature - Who You REALLY Are.
• The Healthy Development of Your Natural Traits
• Healthy Personal Boundaries

Do you know who you REALLY are? Or have you become who you "SHOULD be" or are "SUPPOSED to be"? Are you expressing your authentic self each and every day - your Inner Wizard - or have you learned to live and express who you were conditioned to be from an early age – your Inner Critic? If you believe your conditioned self is your true self and make life decisions based on that false view you set yourself up for a lifetime of struggle. You’ve empowered your Inner Critic and become it’s victim.

Only through the healthy development of your natural traits and using them in the right order can you tap into and empower your genius and passion – your Inner Wizard. You can then develop your Emotional Intelligence (EQ) so you can cope with stress effectively. EQ is possible only through the healthy development of naturally preferred traits and you cannot develop them until you are aware of what they are!


In order to have healthy personal boundaries, you must be able to define; Who you are, Who you are NOT, What you will and will NOT accept from yourself and others.

Inner Wizard empowerment and self-confidence is the factor that convinces you that you are capable of achieving whatever goals you set for yourself. Knowledge + Experience + Positive Feedback = Confidence. Without true self-knowledge you cannot experience your truth and without experience you cannot give yourself positive feedback or even believe the feedback you receive from others. Without the ability to receive positive feedback from self or others, confidence is not possible.

And that’s a fact.

Finally, empowered Inner Wizard self-esteem is the factor that tells you you are worth whatever effort it takes to achieve your goals and realize your dreams. Without self-esteem , you will just buy the books , attend the seminars, buy the gym memberships, make the New Years resolutions and so on, and never follow through. Your Inner Critic will continue to lead your life’s direction.

You’ve already been there, done that.

Once these five factors are in place, then having the particular knowledge that will help you successfully navigate your chosen path comes into play. AFTER; not before. The internal work has to be done first. If it isn't you are just wasting your time and money.

Empowered Inner Wizards and exude self-esteem . Empowered Inner Critics keep you small.

Which do you choose to be?

Author's Bio: 

As Founder of the International Association for Inner Wizards at www.InnerWizard.com I am able to empower, enlighten and inspire the members to express their Inner Wizard and to turn their dreams into reality as I have. The Members are also encouraged to influence others to do the same. Imagine a world where everyone is empowered to achieve his or her fullest potential! Collectively, and as individuals, we can be the change we seek in this world.

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Valery Satterwhite, the Official Guides to Empowerment