Despite the overwhelming obstacles we may encounter in our daily lives, anyone can achieve the success they envision for themselves. But no one can choose to be successful--there's no one choice that accomplishes that. We can, however, make daily choices that later result in success. Rudy Ferraro's new Xulon Press release, Choose Your Way There: The Choices You Make Today Are the Life You'll Live Tomorrow ($10.99, paperback, 978-1-60647-477-8), provides both scientific and practical proof of this. Chock full of concrete examples for successful living, this book will revolutionize the way people approach goal-getting in the future.

Says the author, "Success is not an abstract concept reserved for only a certain few; rather, it is the net value of all of the simple choices we make each day. I hope readers develop a new understanding of how to achieve their goals in spite of the obstacles they may believe are impassable."

Ferraro says he spent most of his life living in the future and regretting the past. But he spent his life chasing the shadows of a future he did little to achieve. It took him more than 40 years to realize the future is only a reflection of today and the past is irrelevant, for we cannot live in anything but the now. "I learned I could use the past to choose today what my future will be," the author says. "Through my research, I realized there was actually a science behind what I was doing. By helping myself and others, I saw that success is truly for anyone willing to choose--it's as simple as that. My expertise in all of this is in organizing these principles of success so that anyone can use them to realize their own dreams ."

Author's Bio: 

Xulon Press, a part of Salem Communications Corporation, is the world's largest Christian publisher, with more than 5,000 titles published to date. Retailers may order Choose Your Way There through Ingram Book Company and/or Spring Arbor Book Distributors.